Evaluation of Place Attachment Rate in Home, Neighborhood and Urban (Case Study: Shiraz City, Iran)
Subject Areas : Urban DesignAli Akbar Heidari 1 * , Salman Moradian 2 , Paria Teimoori 3
1 - Assistant professor of Architecture, Faculty member of School of Engineering, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran
2 - M .A. Student of Architecture, Islamic Azad university of Yasouj, Yasouj, Iran
3 - M. A. Student of Architecture, International Payam Noor University of Asalooye, Asalooye, Iran
Keywords: Place attachment, Place scale, home, Neighborhood, City,
Abstract :
Attachment to a place is a positive emotional relation between a person and a place that leads to the significance of a place for the people staying there. Several studies have been presented about the sense of attachment to one or more locations around the world that each of them has evaluated the subject from a specific view and has achieved different results. This research tries to assess the relationship between intensity of attachment to a place and scale of the place with a new look at this issue. Accordingly, the factors influencing the attachment on the place have been examined in three dimensions of "physical", "socio-demographic" and "emotional". Physical factors have been divided into three scales of house, neighborhood and urban. Social-demographic factors have been generalized to variables such as age, gender, level of education, etc. Emotional factors have been extracted from 21 indices of the literature related to the concepts of place and attachment to a place. In this research, 12 emotional cases were evaluated for each of three interest place scales for people with different demographic characteristics in Shiraz. Studies were conducted through questionnaires at different neighborhoods with randomly selected citizens and the results were presented as a descriptive and analytical report. These results indicate that the feeling of attachment to the city scale is at the highest level, and then is a home, and finally is the attachment to the neighborhood scale.
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