Assessment of Housing Characteristics in Ibeju-lekki, Lagos Peri-Urban Settlements
Subject Areas : Urban DesignFUNMILAYO ADEDIRE 1 * , Anthony Iweka 2
1 - Ph.D., Department of Architecture, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria.
2 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Architecture,University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
Keywords: Peri-urban housing, Characteristics, Typology, Building materials, Residential segregation, Socioeconomic Characteristics,
Abstract :
Housing developments in Lagos State peri-urban settlements have contributed immensely to the alleviation of the challenges of housing deficits in central Lagos. This research aims at examining the characteristics of housing development in the peri-urban settlements of Lagos State, Nigeria. Using a case study approach, housing developments in peri-urban settlements in Ibeju-Lekki Local Government Areas were selected to represent the rapidly urbanizing metropolitan peripheral areas in Lagos State. Data was collected through primary and secondary sources which include survey questionnaires, direct observations and in-depth interviews. Using two-stage sampling techniques, a questionnaire was distributed to households in purposively selected 16 peri-urban settlements in IbejuLekki. Data collected through field survey were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, cross tabulations while qualitative data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Findings demonstrate that different housing initiatives in the peri-urban settlements performed differently in typology and resident’s perception. Socio-economic attributes revealed a multi-cultural households composition, reasonable literacy level. It is recommended that improved quality and user performance peri-urban housing development can be achieved through residents’ participation in housing policy design and also by timely regional policy response to the pace of housing development in Lagos peri-urban settlements.
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