The Assessment of the Community Capacity on the Urban Vulnerability Based on Community Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) (Case Study : Yousef-Abad, Tehran City)
Subject Areas : Urban DesignDavood Kazemi 1 * , Alireza Andalib 2
1 - Ph.D. in Urban Planning, Department of Art and Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate professor, Department of Art and Architecture, Science and Research Branch Islamic Azad
University,Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: vulnerability, Capacity, Correlation, Factor analysis, Regression Analysis,
Abstract :
Disaster Management and current approaches in this field in one hand only has focused to physicalvulnerabilities and in the other hand has included consequential action to reduce vulnerability and improve physicalpreparation as well as resistance institutional insignificant during the disaster. Therefore, these approaches usually haveignored the capabilities and capacities of residents to reduce vulnerabilities and consequently losses and damage. Whilerecent approaches have entered, the field of disaster management emphasized that at first vulnerability is beyond thephysical vulnerabilities and second vulnerabilities have an inverse relationship with the resident’s capacity in the face ofdisaster. So, community-based disaster risk management need to recognize indicators of vulnerability and communitycapacity and its relationship is essential. Accordingly, in the first step, the indicators of community capacity and communityvulnerability are provided and in the second step based on these indicators, community capacity and vulnerability havebeen assessed. The assessment of community characters is based on GIS capabilities, spatial analysis tools and SPSSand correlation regression is used for analyzing the relationship of the variables. The results and findings of this researchindicate that the vulnerability of urban areas is not only influenced by physical factors, but also social and organizationalfactors like community organizing and community educating have affected strongly the vulnerability.
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