Density in Relation to Patterns of Built-forms (Case Study: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
Subject Areas : Urban Design
1 - Research Scholar, School of Planning and Architecture /SPA/, Department of Urban Planning, New Delhi, India.
Keywords: density, ground coverage, floor area ratio, Built-Forms, High-Density high-rise and low, Spatial-Quality, urban-spaces, built-environment, Addis-Ababa,
Abstract :
Density is a critical typology in determining sustainable urban built-form patterns. Built-formrefers to the assemblage and arrangement of the building masses in a city reflecting the spatial layout of spaces.The relationship between density and urban character is also based on at certain densities (thresholds). In a widersense, sustainable cities are a matter of density. Recent debates about the creation of more sustainable urban form,compact cities have led to a renewed focus on issues of density. The argument is that high density high-rise with lowground coverage or compact city form can offer a high quality of life while minimizing crime, possibility to provideadequate amenities, green and open spaces, accessibility and space consumption. However, the relationships of densityand patterns built-form are not reasonably well developed and integrated into the urban design-planning processesin developing countries cities like Addis Ababa. On the hand, not many studies have been undertaken with regard todensity in relation to patterns of built-forms.Therefore, this study aims to explore density in relation to patterns of built-form in the process of planning & designof urban spaces2. The analysis is based on the primary sources as well as secondary documents collected from theconcerned agencies and related references. The findings illustrate that high density high-rise with low ground coveragepatterns of built-forms can offer better possibilities for installing good spatial quality3 of urban spaces. It concludeswith an overview of emerging thinking/implications where further efforts are required in the future
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