Investigating the Impact of Exterior Window Shutters on Indoor Climate Conditions in Humid and Temperate Climate
Subject Areas : Built Environment
Milad karimi
Shahin Heidari
Seyed Majid Mofidi Shemirani
1 - Department of Art and Architecture, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Architecture, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Department of Architecture, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Vernacular Architecture, Building envelope, Hydrothermal Performance, Window Shutter,
Abstract :
Improving the thermal comfort of occupants in indoor spaces is one of the objectives of improving building construction techniques. In temperate and humid climates, window shutters are utilized as a protective shield during storms. They can also block the view from the outside environment into the room. In this study, we looked into how the inner climate condition was affected by various design patterns of these flexible envelopes. Vernacular architecture in humid and temperate climates can be used to describe different window shutter sizes and shapes. These shutters include both entirely rigid or perforated types. Window shutters are utilized as adjustable enclosures outside building windows that allow occupants to adjust their position or location. Occupants in this area frequently open windows during extreme heat to ventilate the building and enhance the inner climate.In this regard, while using natural ventilation, we compared the twelve sample models with window shutters with various opening inlets to those without these flexible envelopes. We concluded after looking at several variables that flexible envelopes with an inlet area of 12.5% to 25% of the flexible envelopes produce better inner climate conditions.
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