Analysis of the Effects of Social and Economic Factors on Energy Consumption, with Emphasis on Family Travel Patterns (Case Study: Malek-Shahr and Amir-Arab Neighborhoods in Isfahan)
Subject Areas : Urban DevelopmentHomayoon Nooraie 1 * , Laleh Kikavous Nejad 2
1 - Assistant Professor, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
2 - M.A.; Faculty of Architecture & Urban Planning, Daneshpajoohan Pishro Higher Education Institute, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Malek-Shahr neighborhood, Amir-Arab neighborhood, Travel pattern, Social and economic factors, Energy consumption,
Abstract :
The transportation sector, which is affected by travel patterns, has a significant stake in energy use; these patterns depend on a variety of factors including social and economic factors. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of social factors and economic factors on energy consumption, with an emphasis on family travel patterns; for this purpose, the Malek-Shahr and Amir-Arab neighborhoods in Isfahan, Iran, were selected as the research cases. A mixed-paradigm methodology (the qualitative research methodology paradigm and non-experimental research methodology from the quantitative research methodology paradigm) was used. The required information needed to examine the measures and the related factors was obtained by documentation and field study i.e. observation and questionnaire; In addition, the Mann-Whitney U test was used to examine the significant differences between the neighborhoods considering social, economic and travel pattern variables. Also, factor analysis and regression were applied in order to carry out path analysis and explain how the factors and variables were related to each other. The results indicate that the Malek-Shahr neighborhood has a significantly better social and economic status and more arbitrary travel patterns in comparison with the Amir-Arab neighborhood. It was also found that in both neighborhoods, there was no significant relationship between the social factor and the travel patterns while the economic factor played a major role in this respect; this was more pronounced in the Amir-Arab neighborhood that is afflicted by a lower economic status.
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