Determinants of Quality Assurance within the Building Construction Industry
Subject Areas : Urban Development
1 - Department of Planning, Kisii University, Kenya
Keywords: Quality assurance, Kenya, Kisii Town, Construction industry,
Abstract :
Although a growing body of literature maintains that the construction industry plays a significant role in the economic development world-over, the extent of its regulation may, however, undermine the objectives of sustainable urban development. This study, as a result, investigates the factors influencing quality assurance within the building construction industry in Kenya, a case study of Kisii town. The target population comprised of 7430 residential developments from seven neighbourhoods that were spatially segregated using a high-resolution satellite image. Proportional stratified random sampling was thereafter adopted to select 364 developers through questionnaires. Results indicated that the key factors that undermine the extent of quality assurance within the building construction industry in the study area included failure to obtain a development permit, non-engagement of registered professionals in building design, an inadequate inspection of buildings during construction phases and unauthorized occupation of buildings by developers. The study concludes that despite the existing legal framework, these challenges continue owing to inadequate development control by the County Government of Kisii. This study contributes to the literature on the built environment by demonstrating how factors limiting quality assurance within the construction industry may be statistically analyzed.
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