• hajialian.farshad Identifying Factors of Employer Brand in Sugarcane Industry in Khuzestan Province and Proposing its Pattern via Thematic Analysis [ Vol.14, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2024]
  • Hamed.Refag The Role of Agricultural Extension in Raising the Productivity of Rainfed Sorghum Small-Scale Farmers in Gezira State, Sudan: A Case Study from South Gezira Locality [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2021]
  • Hando.Dilamo Participatory Evaluation and Pre-Extension Demonstration of Improved Finger Millet Varieties with Its Full Package in Selected Districts of Debub Omo Zone, Southern Ethiopia [ Vol.11, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2021]
  • Haque.Md. Mojammel Small-scale Farmers’ Attitude and Problems regarding One House One Farm Approach for their Livelihoods Improvement [ Vol.8, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 2018]
  • Haque.Sadika The Role of Training, Extension and Education Facilities on Production Efficiency of Rice Growers in Dinajpur District of Bangladesh [ Vol.9, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2019]
  • Hashim.Mohamed The opinion of respondents about the effects of Grazing on Tabar (Ipomaea kordofana) on animal health and milk characteristics in Gezira State, Sudan [ Vol.6, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2016]
  • Hassan.Wahab Determinants of Adoption of Improved Maize Varieties in Zabzugu-Tatale Districts in the Northern Region of Ghana: A Case Study of Obaatanpa Variety [ Vol.8, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 2018]
  • Henshaw.Emmanuel Gender Analysis of the Effect of Income on Farming Households Utilization of Modern Health Care Services in Kwara State, Nigeria [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2021]
  • hosseini.Seyed Alireza The Role of Women's Employment in the Economy and Family Rights (Qualitative Study with Rural Women in Iran) [ Vol.12, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2022]
  • hosseini.Seyed Alireza Analyzing Rural People's Attitudes to Traditional Methods of Retaliation in Resolving Ethnic Conflicts Between Nomads and Villagers and The Required Cultural Extension and Education [ Vol.12, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2022]
  • Hosseini.Seyed Mohammad Reza Determinants of Opportunity Recognition in the Pattern of Agricultural Tech Startups in Northern Provinces of Iran [ Vol.9, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2019]
  • Huda.Fakir Understanding Livelihood Status of Fishing Communities to the Impact of Climate Change in The Coastal Areas of Bangladesh [ Vol.13, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2023]
  • Huka.Happiness Socio-Economic Factors influencing the Participation of Smallholder Vegetable Farmers in High-Value Markets A case study of Arumeru District, Tanzania [ Vol.13, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2023]