Investigating the use of PCM on the performance of solar water heaters in cloudy and sunny weather by using nanoparticles in their structure to reduce energy consumption in buildings
Subject Areas : Advanced Materials in Structural Engineering
Saeed Samadzadeh Baghbani
Farivar Fazelpour
Hossein Ahmadi Danesh Ashtiani
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Iran, Tehran
3 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: PCM , Ansys Fluent , energy , buildings, structure , water heaters, nanoparticle,
Abstract :
Phase change materials in the structure of buildings reduce energy consumption and increase the storage of renewable energies .In this study, in order to investigate the effect of phase change materials on the performance of a solar collector in unstable weather conditions (cloudy weather) in Tehran, numerical simulation of the collector was carried out using Ansys Fluent software. For this purpose, four scenarios were examined and numerically simulated. In the first scenario, the performance of the solar collector was investigated in the stable weather conditions of Tehran city without the use of phase change material. The results showed that the desired solar collector can raise the water temperature to 38 degrees Celsius. In the second scenario, to investigate the effect of air instability and cloudiness on the performance of the collector, it was assumed that the solar radiation will decrease. The results showed that the temperature of the outlet water of the collector decreases from 38 degrees Celsius to 35 degrees with the reduction of sunlight. In the third scenario, the effect of using phase change materials on the performance of the collector in stable weather conditions was investigated. The results showed that the use of phase change material in the collector causes heat storage and increases the water temperature when the solar radiation decreases to 37 degrees Celsius. Also, the use of phase change materials in unstable weather conditions caused the water temperature to increase to 41 degrees Celsius.
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