Stability Analysis Of 3-d Conventional Pallet Rack Structures With Semi-rigid Connections
Subject Areas : Structural MechanicsKamal M. Bajoria 1 , Keshav K. Sangle 2 , Rajshekar S. Talicotti 3
1 - Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
2 - Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
3 - Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
Keywords: Finite Element Analysis, cold formed steel, semi- rigid connections,
Abstract :
This paper describe the three dimensional finite element modeling and buckling analysis ofconventional pallet racking system with semi rigid connection. In this study threedimensional models of conventional pallet racking system were prepared using the finiteelement program ANSYS and finite element analysis carried out on conventional pallet rackswith the 18 types of column sections developed along with semi-rigid connections. Aparametric study was carried out to compare the effective length approach and the finiteelement method for accuracy and appropriateness for cold-formed steel frame design.Numerous frame elastic buckling analyses were carried out to evaluate the alignment chartand the AISI torsional-flexural buckling provisions. The parameters that influence the valueof Kx for column flexural buckling were examined in this study. The alignment chart and theAISI torsional-flexural buckling provisions, used to obtain the effective lengths and elasticbuckling load of members were also evaluated. Results showed that the elastic buckling loadobtained from the AISI torsional-flexural buckling provisions is generally conservativecompared to the results obtained from performing frame elastic buckling analysis. Resultsalso showed that, the effective length approach is more conservative than the finite elementapproach.