Numerical study of the progressive failure of high-rise steel construction with composite roof system under blast load effect
Subject Areas : Structural Mechanics
1 - Assistant Professor, Engineering Department, Islamic Azad University of East Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Blast Load, Progressive Crack, Steel Construction, Tall Structure, Composite Roof,
Abstract :
Progressive failure means, failure or total destruction or part of the structure due to the lack of the ability of a part of the structure which to be damaged and not able to distribute overload for the stability and continuity of the structure. Different improvement methods are accessible to reach buildings where are vulnerable to events in relation to progressive failure. These procedures are designed to provide the property and health of human life. By adopting the optimum improvement manner, taking into account the economic and technical considerations, it can be reduced the value of financial and life loss caused by the progressive failure. In this study, explosion modeling was performed by the CONWEP program (Conventional Weapons Effects Program) in ABAQUS / CAE software. CONWEP is a loading model based on experimental results, in the ABAQUS software environment. The which is very important, is the involvement of the side openings of the ninth column which is done under the conditions of the removal of the eighth floor column and in the post-blast operating conditions reduces the efforts of the ninth-grade deck girders with tensile performance. Considering that the brackets are in design condition for the maximum operating and ultimate traction modes there is always some overcapacity to the design controller mode, which is mainly pressure, therefore, these added capacities are used under abnormally explosive conditions and eliminate the short- and long-term effects of column removal.
Numerical study of the progressive failure of high-rise steel construction with composite roof system under blast load effect
Faroughi A.1
Progressive failure means, failure or total destruction or part of the structure due to the lack of the ability of a part of the structure which to be damaged and not able to distribute overload for the stability and continuity of the structure. Different improvement methods are accessible to reach buildings where are vulnerable to events in relation to progressive failure. These procedures are designed to provide the property and health of human life. By adopting the optimum improvement manner, taking into account the economic and technical considerations, it can be reduced the value of financial and life loss caused by the progressive failure. In this study, explosion modeling was performed by the CONWEP program (Conventional Weapons Effects Program) in ABAQUS / CAE software. CONWEP is a loading model based on experimental results, in the ABAQUS software environment. The which is very important, is the involvement of the side openings of the ninth column which is done under the conditions of the removal of the eighth floor column and in the post-blast operating conditions reduces the efforts of the ninth-grade deck girders with tensile performance. Considering that the brackets are in design condition for the maximum operating and ultimate traction modes there is always some overcapacity to the design controller mode, which is mainly pressure, therefore, these added capacities are used under abnormally explosive conditions and eliminate the short- and long-term effects of column removal.
Keywords: Blast Load, Progressive Crack, Steel Construction, Tall Structure, Composite Roof, Finite Element Method.
*Corresponding author Email:
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1. Introduction
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2-1- Investigation of seismic analysis methods of structures
Due to the capability of Abaqus software in blast modeling, it can be used in blast design to observe and evaluate the results of composite roof thickness reduction and differences in side beam distances and in Abaqus software; you can simulate progressive destruction by stepping up the explosion and removal phase. The main purpose of simulating an explosion in Abaqus software is to simulate the progressive vibration and degradation effects caused by the initial pressure of the explosion wave and its secondary suction simultaneously in the corresponding software.
There are various methods for seismic analysis of structures. The difference between these methods is in assuming linear behavior for the structural elements and how the force is applied. In linear models, it is assumed that the structural elements during the analysis have unlimited resistance and constant stiffness, while in the nonlinear models the structural toughness and stiffness are considered during the analysis.
Accordingly, the methods of analysis are:
Static and Dynamic Linear
Nonlinear static and dynamic
In linear analysis (linear material behavior) only the hardness and resistance of the core members are modeled, in nonlinear analysis of hardness and resistance of both main and non-core members as well as changes in the strength and hardness of these members due to their reduction, must be incorporated into the structural model [8].
2-2- Selection Criteria for Analysis (Linear and Nonlinear) of structures
To choose the method of analysis the engineer can choose the nonlinear analysis method from the very beginning by judging the engineering and consulting the employer, But if it is necessary to prove this in accordance with the rules of procedure or to select the solution by the controller, a preliminary linear analysis of the conditions must first be performed and then by checking the above mentioned cases and controlling the conditions of continuation of the linear path and by changing the analysis method to the nonlinear method [9].
2-2-1 Linear Dynamic Method (LDP)
This is done in two ways: spectral (quasi-dynamic) or temporal (full dynamic).
The basis of these methods is based on modal analysis, that is, the structural response is obtained at each vibration mode and by combining the modal responses, and the overall structural response is obtained. The static linear method is described in seismic codes as the equivalent static method. In this method it is assumed that the main mode of structure is the mode that governs the behavior of the structure and ignores the vibrational modes of the structure. Also, assuming linearity of the main mode shape, the seismic forces are distributed as a series of static lateral loads equivalent to the height of the building [10].
2-2-2 Linear Static Method (LSP)
In this method, the total lateral force is calculated as a coefficient of structural mass. This coefficient is the reaction spectral acceleration. If the lateral force obtained in this way is applied to the structure and the behavior of the linear elastic structure is assumed, the resulting deformation will be equal to what would be expected in a design earthquake. But in formable structures, the behavior of structures during earthquakes goes beyond the linear elastic range. For this reason, to estimate the deformation more accurately, the lateral force is increased by applying the coefficients C, , So that if the force values of this method are applied to the model with linear elastic behavior, structural deformations with non-elastic behavior are estimated [11].
2-2-3 Nonlinear analysis methods
As already mentioned, this method of analysis is divided into two categories: static and dynamic, whose accuracy depends on many parameters depending on the type of analysis. Although elastic analysis and linear estimation provide a good view of the structural capacity and provide the position of the first yielding point, however, it is not able to predict the mechanism of the structural failure and how the forces are redistributed during successive surrenders, and does not provide reliable results on the extent of plastic deformation and consequently the extent of structural damage.
Therefore, the analysis and design of new and old structures cannot be justified by the results of linear analyzes. On the other hand, nonlinear behavior of structures is necessary for damaged buildings that have undergone significant changes after the earthquake, as well as for buildings that are to be seismically reinforced with new techniques [11].
The purpose of nonlinear analysis with each of these methods is to determine the maximum plastic change [12].
2-2-4 Nonlinear Dynamic Method (NDP)
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Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the nonlinear dynamic analysis process [11].
3. Method of gathering information
The process of gathering information is the beginning of a process by which the researcher collects library findings and inductively classifies and then analyzes them and evaluates its formulated hypotheses and ultimately issues a ruling and finds the answer to their problem. In other words, relying on the information gathered reveals reality and truth as it is, therefore, the validity of information is important because unreliable information prevents the discovery of truth and fact and the researcher's problem is not properly understood.
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The library method starts with studying the building rules and then modeling. The tools are both ABAQUS software and ETABS software which is designed and optimized in ETABS software. The research method is computer modeling.
The type of modeling and analysis is dynamically explicit (EXPLICIT DYNAMIC). And three models are used. And 2800 Fourth Edition 2015 standards are used for seismic loading of structures and national building regulations for design and finally for the impact of explosions on the progressive demolition of regulations (UFC, 2016). The 12-story structure is modeled on ABAQUS in full detail with AISC-LRFD. The girder are of cross section I with dimensions of 400mm × 200mm × 20mm × 10mm and beams of cross section I with 0.9m intervals and 250mm × 125mm × 10mm × 10mm. The cross section of the column is a box section with dimensions of 450𝑚𝑚×450𝑚𝑚×30𝑚𝑚. The elastic and plastic characteristics of sections are according to table (1) to (3).
Table 1. Elastic and Plastic Capacity of Floor Column 8.
Column cross dimensions | Thickness, width, height |
Shear cross section |
| |
The basis of the elastic cross section |
| |
The basis of plastic cross section |
| |
Cross section capacity | Plastic shear capacity |
Elastic flexural capacity |
| |
Elastic flexural capacity |
Dimensions of beam cross section | Thickness, width, height |
Shear cross section |
| |
The basis of the elastic cross section |
| |
The basis of plastic cross section |
| |
Cross section capacity | Plastic shear capacity |
Elastic flexural capacity |
| |
Flexural capacity of plastic |
| Thickness, width, height |
| Shear cross section |
| The basis of the elastic cross section |
| Plastic shear capacity |
| Elastic flexural capacity |
| Elastic flexural capacity |
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Equivalent plastic strain,
plastic strain rate, , A, B, C, n, m are Johnson-Cook constants. The normalized strain-rate and temperature in the Johnson-Cook behavior equation are defined as follows:
Is the user-defined plastic strain rate,
the standard temperature, and
the melting temperature, nonlinear behavior of steel are:
Table 4. Nonlinear behavior of steel.
A | 2400 MPa |
B | 1000 MPa |
C | 0.045 |
N | 0.4 |
m | 1.2 |
| 0.001 |
| 0.04 |
| 1.03 |
| 1.39 |
| 0.002 |
| 0.46 |
| 1 |
| 2.05 |
| 0.29 |
| 7850 kg/m3 |
| 0.2 |
Viscosity ratio | 0.00 |
k | 0.66 |
Dilation angle |
| 1.66 |
Stress (Mpa) | Nonlinear strain |
| 0.0001021 |
| 0.0001021 |
| 0.0002042 |
| 0.0003062 |
| 0.0005104 |
| 0.0006125 |
| 0.0007146 |
| 0.0008167 |
| 0.0009188 |
| 0.0009188 |
| 0.0010208 |
18.69 | 0.0011229 |
Table 9. Nonlinear behavior of tensile concrete.
Stress Yield (Mpa) | Cracking Strain |
1.49 | 0.00 |
0.00 | 0.09 |
Table 10. Parameters of Nonlinear Behavior of Concreate under Pressure.
Tensile hardness ratio | 0.8 |
𝑁𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 | 𝐵𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 |
0.000 | 0.000 |
0.002 | 0.04 |
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5. Blast Loading and Analysis Results
The explosion modeling was performed by the CONWEP program (Conventional Weapons Effects Program) in ABAQUS / CAE software. CONWEP is a loading model based on experimental results, in the ABAQUS software environment. And for this purpose the explosion charge characteristics are defined using the Incident Wave Interaction feature in the Software Interaction Module. The parameters of the CONWEP detonation, including the position of the explosives (TNT), the weight of the explosives and the surfaces exposed to the load are determined in this module. Output Analysis of 200kg TNT in the eighth floor of a 12-story structure, The exact geometry of the 12-story structures in Abaqus is shown in Figure 2. also The compressive stress caused by the explosion on the eighth and ninth floor (IWCONWEP) and all explosive surfaces specified in the interaction module is shown in Fig 3.
(b) The geometry of the 12-story structure in the first quarter of the axis of symmetry |
(a): Structural geometry at ABAQUS software output
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(c): Concrete model and deck bars
(d): Cutter stuck in the composite deck
Fig. 2. Detailed geometry of 12-story structures in ABAQUS.
According to Figure 3 the compressive stress of the explosion at the level of structural members in the 8th floor (T = 0.0015 sec) The pressure is 40,000,000 Pascal, due to the explosion causing high tension and causing high pressure. Fig. 4 Shows the shear and flexural effort curve at the boundary points of the column (beginning and end of the column). The horizontal chart shows the time in seconds. The vertical diagram shows the force applied to the Newton unit. When the structure is subjected to blast loads, the structure is designed to have sufficient shear strength such that the flexural modes of the failure are controlled. In flexural, the components of reinforced concrete instruments, which are properly steeled, have good formability. While in the shearing, rapture occurs in crisp form. Therefore, it is advisable that the flexural modes of the control be broken. Analyzing the plastic joint on a component under blast load considers all potential situations of plastic joint formation to ensure the maximum shear required. The two-sided interior displacement of the corner pillar on two vertical paths is estimated in terms of the scaled distance from the upper point. The values of these shifts are shown in Fig 5. The horizontal diagram shows the unit scaled distance of that meter. The vertical graph shows the displacement with the unit of meter.
(a): IWCONWEP contour on the floor
(b): Steel members affected by explosion pressure
Fig. 3. Explosive compressive stress on surfaces of structural members in floor 8 (T = 0.0015 sec).
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Fig. 4. Shear and flexural effort curve at the boundary points of the column (beginning and end of column).
Fig. 5. Displacement of two sides of the column on two intermediate paths in terms of scaled distance.
Changing the location of deck beams on the floor and ceiling of the blast roof is shown in diagram 6. Two paths for the girder and two paths for the composite deck beams have been defined to represent the curve of the beam at the moment of blast loading completion. The horizontal diagram shows the scaled distance of that unit of meter, the vertical diagram shows the displacement with the unit of meter. Figure 7 shows the shear and bending moment at the junction of the beams to the main beams and the column of its horizontal graph is in terms of time in seconds, and the vertical graph shows the force in units of newtons.
Fig. 6. Girder and beam rise at end of blast time T = 0.0015.
Fig. 7. shear and flexural anchor at beam joint with girder and column.
The horizontal diagram shows the unit time of those seconds, the vertical diagram shows the force with the Newton unit. Deformation contours are observed in the concrete floor slab and floor ceiling under blast load in Fig. 8. that the amount of deformation is 10 cm. Due to the explosion, a large number of explosions have entered the structure, causing stress and strain, and the structure has been displaced and there is a camber.
Fig. 8. Slab reinforced concrete floor camber under blast load.
Fig. 9. shows the ratio of energy to detonation energy.
Fig. 10. Structural energy curves under blast loading.
But one of the most important parameters expressing the extent of irreversible deformations, including plastic deformation and degradation in structures on a global scale, the values of damping energy are plastic strain and damping energy 9. These parameters can also be estimated separately for each member. According to Figure 9, the concrete reinforcement slab of the floor deck is 4 cm deformed under the blast load.
According to Figure 10, the energy curves of the structure are under horizontal load explosion loading in terms of time and seconds, its vertical diagram is also its unit energy, Joule. The energy diagrams of the degradation in 0.0006 seconds are 20,000,000 joules. The ratio of the damped energy due to deformation of the plastic and the degradation to the energy injected into the structure by an explosion, which is an indicator of the rate of structural failure and shows the extent of structural failure, i.e. localization or overall failure rate, is shown in Figure 10. As shown in Figure 10, the energy-to-explosion-to-energy ratio curves. The horizontal chart is in seconds and in units of seconds. Its vertical diagram is also Joule's unit energy failure. The energy diagrams of the degradation in 0.0006 seconds are 0.08 joules.
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6. Conclusions
In sum, the information obtained from the behavior of the composite deck members indicates that:
1- The explosion effects are mostly dependent on the quantity of explosives and the distance of the explosion point from the structural members, and due to the very short time period of the end of the loading process i.e. the transient nature of the loading, the effects of the explosion are not dependent on the dynamic properties of the structure.
2- The explosion effects are unique to the local deformation around the blast point and the cumulative effects are related to the post-blast period, especially in the wide slab floor deck, which continues to deform and degrade after the blast due to high inertia.
3- Deformation in the structural elements is also more local in nature, and the contribution of the deformation and local effort of the cross-section members is greater than that of the entire cross-section of the blasting point.
4- At the cross-section scale, the column cross-section is better than the cross-section beam, and among the internal reactions, the shear effort is particularly worse at the upper column and cross-section near the blast point. The shear position at column cross section is better than that of deck beams, Therefore, with increasing blast load intensity, the beams are expected to be initially cut and the reinforced concrete slab with considerable delay in structural response after the end of the blast after cutting the main members of the load transfer from slab to shaft has a complete failure between girder.
In the final step, by assuming removal of the column and brackets attached to the eighth floor, transient reactions immediately after column removal and steady state after passing through the dynamic effects of column removal have been studied. The alternate route is the eighth floor roof girders and the ninth floor brackets. The alternating path shall transfer the axial load bearing effect of 815.3 kN and flexural anchors of 21.5 kN.m and 29.7 kN.m respectively in two major directions at the junction point of the removed column to the upper deck in transient and static dynamic mode to the base plane. The bulk of the transfer this time seems to be the flexural and shear behavior of the ninth-grade girders. For this purpose, the pre-blast, post-blast and break-down columns and transient start and finally after transient oscillations and steady state structures have been investigated in ceiling floor girders.
Examination of the girders efforts shows that the operation state attempts for non-coefficient loads after column removal than before by applying a coefficient of 1.33 for the transient mode immediately after the failure and column removal increased by a maximum of 10% in shear force, 14% in the negative anchor of the distal support, and 6% in the flexural anchor of the midline’s girder. Due to the increased efforts of the final limit state of the structure, it is expected that the capacities provided in the final limit state design will meet the additional requirements of the burst limit state. The final point, which is very important, is the involvement of the side openings of the ninth column which is done under the conditions of the removal of the eighth floor column and in the post-blast operating conditions reduces the efforts of the ninth-grade deck girders with tensile performance. Considering that the brackets are in design condition for the maximum operating and ultimate traction modes there is always some overcapacity to the design controller mode, which is mainly pressure, therefore, these added capacities are used under abnormally explosive conditions and eliminate the short- and long-term effects of column removal.
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