List of Articles Aerobic exercise Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Comparing the effect of aerobic exercise in clean and polluted air on the responses of interleukin-6 and Reactive Protein-C in the active people Naser Rabbani Farzaneh Taghian 10.30486/epp.2022.1965631.1000 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The Interactive effect of 12 weeks of aerobic training and the intake of multivitamin minerals supplementation on indicators of male pulmonary function in the expose of urban polluted air Saber Rezanejad Mehdi Kargarfard Akram Khani Rozveh 10.30486/epp.2023.1977762.1009 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Isoleucine and aerobic training regulated the hepatic metabolism in obese mice. Farzad Forootan Fatemeh Hajibabaie Zahra Ahmadi 10.30486/epp.2023.1972517.1007 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Effects of aerobic exercise and spirulina supplementation on the lipid profile, and body’s functional variables, and composition in overweight women Sahar Iravani Khosro Jalali Dehkordi Kamran Tavakol 10.30486/EPP.2024.1121624 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - The effect of aerobic exercise on insulin sensitivity in brown adipose tissue Farnaz Sahebi Mohammad Ali Azarbayjani Sirvan Atashak Maghsoud Peeri Saleh Rahmati-Ahmadabad 10.83078/epp.2024.202409121183728