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  • Aims and Scope

    Exercise Physiology and Performance (EPP) Journal is an interdisciplinary and international journal dedicated to researchers and practitioners engaged in sports and physical activity for health. EPP publishes impactful and high-quality papers of scientific, applied technical and medical research in the different areas of physical activities and sports. We encourage all professors, experts, and researchers involved in sports and physical activity for health to submit their original work and papers to the EPP journal. This journal will publish original research, review, case study, technical report, and short communication. Exercise Physiology and Performance (EPP) journal is published by Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch.

    Aims and Scope:

    Fields of particular interest to the journal include (but are not limited to):

    • Molecular and cellular exercise physiology
    • Sport and exercise physiology
    • Clinical rehabilitation and injury prevention
    • Exercise and sports biochemistry and nutrition
    • Physical activity and brain health
    • Traditional sports, physical activity, and health
    • Public health promotion and physical activity
    • Sports and exercise medicine
    • The prevention and treatment of chronic diseases caused by a lack of physical activity and a non-healthy lifestyle. Epp welcomes contributions to studies that employ exercise intervention on cardiopulmonary, neuromuscular, and metabolic disorders as well as mental health.
    • Sport and physical activity for health and quality of life.
    • Management and prevention of cancer by physical activity and lifestyle.

    Peer Review Statement

    All of the research review articles and in this journal underwent rigorous peer review, based on initial writer selection and anonymous (double-blind) arbitration by at least two reviewers.