The role of text type on the use of metacognitive reading strategies: Iranian EFL learners' perceptions in focus
Subject Areas : Curriculum Design and Development
Somayeh Nilforoushan
Mojgan Rashtchi
Gholam-Reza Abbasian
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English Language, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of English Language, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of English Language, Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Expository text, Metacognitive Reading Strategy (MRs), Narrative text, Perception of text type, Reading strategies (Rs),
Abstract :
The current study used a qualitative methodology to examine how Iranian EFL learners practically applied Metacognitive Reading Strategies (MRs) when reading narrative and expository English texts. The study also investigated the participants' perceptions of the impact of text type on using MRs while reading narrative and expository English passages. The researchers selected 40 intermediate EFL learners studying TEFL at Islamic Azad University and Farhangyan University using purposive sampling as focused participants. The instruments employed included the Oxford Placement Test, semi-structured interviews, and think-aloud protocols. The data analysis involved theme-based analysis. The think-aloud protocol analysis indicated that participants employed multiple strategies when engaging with the expository text compared to the narrative text. The finding suggested that text types affected readers` overall performance. The semi-structured interviews revealed that learner's perceptions of text type played a vital role in reading different text types. The practical implications of the study were also discussed.
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