Study on Contemporary Interventions in the Historical Fabric of Mashhad
Subject Areas : Creative City DesignAmidoleslam Saghatoleslami 1 *
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Keywords: intervention, Historical fabric, Urban Rehabilitation, Urban Reconstruction, Regeneration Plans,
Abstract :
City of Mashhad has an international status and is a cultural center in the Islamic world, particularly for the Shiite Muslims. This study investigates physical interventions in the historical fabric of Mashhad in contemporary century from the first Pahlavi to the post Islamic Revolution period. Research methodology is descriptive and historical study. For collecting data, all plans, documents and texts about interventions in the historical fabric of Mashhad have been surveyed. This historical research will help us for better planning and designing in the future. Physical interventions in the historical fabric of Mashhad with 5 criteria (theory of intervention, objectives of intervention, method of intervention, kind of development plan and impacts of interventions) are analyzed in several periods. Results show that urban development plans in the historical fabric of Mashhad in this century (as well as some other historical cities) can be considered a pragmatic and modernistic approach. This study has resulted to get gradual orientation toward urban reconstruction and rebuilding of the inner city in the urban development plans of Mashhad, and has paid less attention to the urban rehabilitation and urban regeneration of the existing fabric. The upgrading of the quality and method of intervention must occur in the historical fabric of Mashhad in the future.