Explanation of Effective Parameters in the Contemporary Revitalization of the Historical Fabric of the Samen District of Mashhad with an Emphasis on Preserving the Identity of the Site
Subject Areas : Creative City Design
Tina Farahbod
Mohsen Tabassi
Sanaz Saeidi Mofrad
Vahid Ahmadi
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Architecture, Mashhad branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
2 - Associated professor, department of architecture, Mashhad branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
3 - Associated professor, department of urbanism, Mashhad branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
4 - Assistant professor, department of architecture, Mashhad branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
Keywords: Contemporization, Historical-Cultural Urban Context, Identity, Mashhad Metropolis,
Abstract :
The historic urban context of Mashhad, which symbolizes the identity and heritage of several thousand years, has been seriously damaged in the modern era. On one hand, this damage is due to the emergence of new needs and functions, and on the other hand, it is due to the emerging need for changes in the identity and function of its historical spaces. This research examines the role of physical, economic, and socio-cultural factors and parameters in contemporizing the historic urban context of the Mashhad metropolis, emphasizing the importance of identity preservation. The research method used in the current study is descriptive-analytical. For each of the physical, economic, and socio-cultural parameters of contemporization, indicators were considered based on the answers of experts using the Delphi technique. The data obtained from the questionnaire were processed using statistical software. Among the parameters, physical parameters received the highest score, while socio-cultural parameters received the lowest score in contemporizing the historic urban context of the Samen district of Mashhad. In the next step, the indicators of each parameter were ranked and categorized using the AHP method. The results indicate that the improvement of access to the context is the most crucial advantage of contemporizing the historical urban context. Conversely, the loss of context is the most significant disadvantage. Providing service infrastructure for livability is the most significant opportunity, and finally, the effects of prolonging the construction process are considered the most critical threats.
Explanation of Effective Parameters in the Contemporary Revitalization of the Historical Fabric with an Emphasis on the Identity
(Case example: the Samen District of Mashhad)
The historic urban context of Mashhad, which symbolizes the identity and heritage of several thousand years, has been seriously damaged in the modern era. On one hand, this damage is due to the emergence of new needs and functions, and on the other hand, it is due to the emerging need for changes in the identity and function of its historical spaces. This research deals with the factors affecting the contemporary-cultural context of Mashhad metropolis, prioritizing the characteristics of each parameter and contemporizing strategies with emphasis on preserving identity. the role of physical, economic, and socio-cultural factors and parameters in contemporizing the historic urban context of the Mashhad metropolis, emphasizing the importance of identity preservation. The research method used in the current study is descriptive-analytical. For each of the physical, economic, and socio-cultural parameters of contemporization, indicators were considered based on the answers of experts using the Delphi technique. The data obtained from the questionnaire were processed using statistical software. Among the parameters, physical parameters received the highest score, while socio-cultural parameters received the lowest score in contemporizing the historic urban context of the Samen district of Mashhad. In the next step, the indicators of each parameter were ranked and categorized using the AHP method. The results indicate that There is a significant relationship between all the parameters determining the contemporaries of the historical context of Mashhad metropolis. Therefore, the objectives of contemporation should be based on the simultaneous adaptation of the physical fabric with the economic, social and cultural structures of the urban area. Also, physical and economic components in the first and second priorities are effective in the process of contemporizing historical contexts and in prominent examples of urban contemporary, the physical context is the relation between present and future Modernization through local economic and social factors finds character and character stable and permanent and leads to the reconstruction of urban identity. Improvement of the access situation in the context, the most important strength of the historical context contemporary, the loss of the texture is the most important weakness, the provision of service infrastructure for the viability of the most important opportunity and ultimately the effects of prolongation of the construction process are the most important threats.
Keywords: contemporization, historical-cultural urban context, identity, Mashhad metropolis
1. Introduction
Nowadays, urbanization is continuously growing, leading to various problems afflicting cities more than ever. One such issue, which both causes and exacerbates numerous urban problems, is the existence of old and historical contexts within today's urban centers. The significance and uniqueness of these contexts render them unacceptable to be disregarded in any manner. Economically, these contexts possess potential features, including infrastructure and construction; culturally, they serve as reminders of history; socially, they constitute an integral part of society and ensure the continuity of people's lives; and physically, they hold unparalleled architectural and urban planning values [1]. Consequently, interventions in the historical-cultural contexts of cities have become fundamental in the planning systems of countries with a rich history of urbanization. In light of these interventions, contemporization is viewed as a comprehensive and integrated vision and practice that aims to continually improve the economic, social, physical, and environmental conditions of regions transforming [2].
The contemporization of historical contexts entails the development of a new spatial organization adapted to present-day conditions and characteristics. This involves the establishment of contemporary urban relations or redefining the relations within historical contexts. While there may be apparent similarities between the contemporary spatial organization and the old one, the organizational behaviors of the contemporary space and the norms derived from them bear no resemblance to their historical counterparts. Instead, they exhibit their independent personality and identity. In contemporary cities, the lack of recognition and the utilization of various contemporization methods in specific contexts have led to numerous troubles and problems. This has also contributed to the decline in the quality of these contexts in recent decades. Among the issues and problems faced by historical contexts are the departure of original residents, the influx of immigrants, low environmental quality, failure to meet modern life needs, the prevalence of supporting uses like warehouses and activities incompatible with cultural values, traffic problems, and destruction and reconstruction of architecturally valuable buildings, among others. To preserve the essence of life in these valuable, ancient, and historical contexts, the scale and method of intervention must be carefully chosen. It should maintain the flow of life while increasing hope and a sense of participation in the renewal process among current residents while maximizing satisfaction and protecting their interests [3]. The pathology of the historical-cultural context of Mashhad city, which symbolizes and narrates the city's identity and heritage for several thousand years, indicates that fundamental changes have occurred in its historical spaces in the modern era. These changes are a result of the emergence of new needs and functions, as well as the necessity for improvements. To enhance the quality of life in the historical context, special attention should be given to its physical, economic, and socio-cultural dimensions. This involves integrating physical, economic, and social-cultural parameters, contextualism, and integrated development of interventions, emphasizing the importance of coordination with the context and preserving its values. In the contemporary era, creating new life by considering social and cultural factors to meet residents' needs and preserving and reviving the lost identity of the historical-cultural context are crucial factors in interventions within historical contexts.
Considering the lack of studies, especially in the field of intervention plans using the contemporization approach in the historical contexts of Mashhad, conducting such research is of great importance for devising physical, economic, and socio-cultural strategies for these contexts. Contemporization serves as a method and approach to managing historical contexts, responding to the needs of present-day life while preserving their identity. Therefore, it is imperative to protect historical contexts, while updating, revitalizing, and developing them in terms of functionalities, physical, economic, and socio-cultural parameters while considering their heritage identity. This article aims to identify the effective parameters in modernizing the historical context of Mashhad as a statistical society, which has contributed to the dynamic and civic life of the city, resulting from the interconnection of time, physics, economy, society, and culture. In this regard, the research has formulated the following main questions:
1. What are the effective parameters in modernizing the historical-cultural context of the Mashhad metropolis?
2. What is the weight and prioritization of the indicators for each parameter?
3. What are the contemporization strategies, with an emphasis on preserving the relic identity?
Figure 1 illustrates the research structure.
2. Theoretical Foundations
2.1. Contemporization
In the 1990s, urban renewal programs embraced revitalization with a contemporization approach. The policies of this decade aimed to intervene in a way that acknowledged the past and sought to preserve its identity. Rather than erasing the historical identity of different periods, the focus was on creating a new identity that suits current and future life conditions. This marked the emergence of a new framework for the process of urban revitalization and renewal, redefining the concept of urban revitalization to encompass the need for enhancing the quality of life in various urban areas, especially private urban spaces, in economic, social, cultural, and physical dimensions [4]. Contemporization is a transformative process that results in the creation of a new urban space while preserving the original spatial features, both physical and functional. Contemporization is a comprehensive approach that involves a combination of social, economic, cultural, and physical actions and activities aimed at revitalizing historical contexts. It focuses on recreating the sense of life within these contexts while preserving their existing order of elements and spatial organization. The goal is to adapt the physical space and functions contemporary needs in line with the economic and physical development of the area, while also enhancing its sociocultural characteristics [5]. By recognizing the identity embedded in urban spaces, including the values of Iranian culture and the needs of society, a contemporization strives to achieve all-encompassing spiritual, psychological, and physical beauty. This encompasses various qualitative and quantitative aspects, reflecting historical continuity, roots, spiritual, psychological, cultural, and material security, authenticity, balance, coordination, organization, and order. It also facilitates the practice of national and religious rites, fosters peace, unity, and familiarity between people and space, and promotes perfectionism, originality, admonishment, reminder, and edification [6]. Contemporization refers to the process of generating a novel spatial arrangement in response to changing conditions and characteristics. This approach is instrumental in establishing fresh urban connections or redefining preexisting ones [7]. The model of urban contemporization is interactive, promoting both preservation and development. It entails respecting the heritage of the past and preserving originality while addressing contemporary needs, making the historical context relevant for the future. The principles of this model encompass 5 principles: 1- The symbiosis of the historical-cultural context with the city, 2-Tolerance, and interactions to incorporate new technology and tools, 3-Respecting the human rights of people within the historical context, 4-Considering the rights of future generations, 5-Formulating a strategy for people's participation [8]. Given its significance and necessity, urban contemporization has gained attention from international protection organizations such as UNESCO and ICOMOS, reflected in conferences, charters, and statements. Examples of such efforts include Nairobi's letter of recommendation titled "Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas" (1976), the Mexico City Statement (1999), and the Vienna Memorandum on "World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture" (2005). These initiatives stress the importance of historical contexts responding to the contemporary demands of residents while preserving their cultural values through contemporization measures. As a result, it can be asserted that contemporization is a comprehensive and integrated vision and practice aimed at continually improving the economic, social, physical, and environmental conditions of an area that has changed [9].
2.2. Historical Context
The historical context encompasses those parts of a city that reflect its cultural and historical values, shaped by the interaction between human beings and their surrounding environment throughout history. These areas possess distinct features and characteristics that set them apart from the immediate and surrounding textures and zones of the city. A fundamental attribute of the historical context is its harmonious, enduring, and interconnected formation over time [10]. In summary, the characteristics of the historical context can be observed in the following aspects: security, privacy, climatology, use of vernacular building materials, non-geometric and naturally organic structures, streets, cultural built form, introversion, cultural heritage value, serenity, an orientation sense of identity, and scale [11]. From an economic standpoint, historical contexts offer potential facilities, including both infrastructural and superstructural elements. Culturally, they serve as relics of history, while from a social perspective, they constitute an integral part of society and act as a guarantee for the continuity of human life. Physically, these areas possess unique architectural and urban planning values [12]. Thus, acknowledging the presence and significance of elements, orders, valuable historical and cultural nodes, political and commercial, alongside the variation in the age of the buildings and their role in strengthening the cultural and historical identity, prudent management of these areas within cities becomes imperative [13].
2.3. Identity
The term "identity" is defined in the Dehkhoda Dictionary as the process of identification, sometimes referring to external existence and at other times of the essence, encompassing partial truths. Identity is considered pure, and unity and spirituality are indicators of it [14]. According to the Amid Dictionary, identity represents the truth of an object or person, encompassing their essential qualities [15]. Piran views the concept of identity, like many philosophical and social notions, as abstract, elusive, and simultaneously enduring. He identifies various dimensions of urban identity, including historical, spatial, and collective existence, belonging to a specific historical period, the context of social relations, public versus individual characteristics, and the sense of belonging to individuals, families, or groups, influenced by cultural, social, economic, and political events and changes within society and civic duties [16]. Identity holds a significant purpose. In essence, bestowing identity upon a context signifies the physical and objective manifestation of all the concealed spiritual values within the city and its shaping factor [17]. Broadly, the urban space's identity can be examined across three dimensions: the city's form, meaning, and social aspects. The form dimensions encompass the physical context and the spatial-physical structure of the city. The semantic dimensions represent one of Kevin Lynch's seven criteria in the theory of a well-designed city. According to Lynch, the city's meaning is not solely confined to its physical boundaries and cartographic representation, but rather, it gains significance through the lives of its residents, their perspectives on urban life, and ultimately, through the expression of the city's social dimensions [18]. Urban identity is fundamentally shaped by the urban culture and its subcultures, evolving within the context of history and within the broader social structure that encapsulates society and develops through economic and political processes [18]. Historical cities constitute a rich amalgamation of community, culture, architecture, and historical heritage values [19]. Each city's historical context serves as an expression of its background, antiquity, and the way of life of its inhabitants across time. Preserving this ancient heritage equates to valuing the ancient civilization that thrived in that land and laid the foundation of life, thereby ensuring the continuity of the city's identity over time. On the other hand, these heritages serve as historical documents that are subject to research, study, investigation, and scientific examination, enabling researchers to uncover glimpses of the city's identity and true essence, as well as various other historical and cultural facts. Consequently, any scholar aiming to comment on one or multiple aspects of the Iranian historical context must acquire a profound understanding of its history and the evolutionary stages it has undergone. As a result, in contemporary doctrines of architectural preservation, knowing the history and physical background of a structure becomes a prerequisite for any form of practical intervention or action [20].
2.4. The Contemporization Process in Developed and Developing Countries
The initial steps towards contemporizing the historical context of cities can be traced back to Western countries. In Europe, the contemporization process, primarily through building restoration, commenced around the early 19th century. The revival movement of historical textures further progressed after the First World War, especially with the introduction of the Radiant City plan in the 1920s [21]. Subsequent, post-Second World War discussions centered on revitalizing historical centers that suffered damage during the conflict [22]. Around 1960, a new concept gradually emerged in the approach to urban center revitalization, emphasizing the preservation of past heritage and opposing large-scale renovations. The latter not only led to the destruction of valuable historical resources but also disrupted the socio-economic fabric of city center residents. Consequently, since the 1970s, repair models gained prominence, focusing on small-scale restoration at the level of residential units and neighborhoods, replacing extensive redevelopment projects [23]. The summarized path and process of contemporization in various countries are depicted in Figure 3.
2.5. Background research
The researchers in the fields related to the current research and the results of each are reviewed by mentioning the title of the research and t
The researchers in the fields related to the current research and the results of each are reviewed by mentioning the title of the research and the authors. In studies concerning the contemporization of historical contexts, researchers have predominantly adopted a modernist (physics-oriented) approach, irrespective of the context's existing date, time, and identity. As a consequence, the historical continuity of the context and its connection to the human mind has been diminished, leading to a lack of commitment to participation and responsibility. This vicious cycle is exacerbated by the instability of the social composition, resulting in a decreased duration of residence within the context. Alternatively, some studies have placed excessive emphasis on the influence of identity in historical contexts, drawing from the findings of social studies. This emphasis, however, tends to neglect the adaptation of changes and the accommodation of new needs of the city. The contemporization of historical contexts is a sensitive and intricate process, necessitating the development of targeted strategies and tactics that can only be achieved through a comprehensive examination of the physical, economic, and socio-cultural dimensions within a historical context. The present research aims to identify and assess the influencing factors on the contemporization of the historical-cultural contexts of Mashhad, a metropolis, encompassing its physical, economic, and social dimensions.
2.6. Parameters of Modernizing the Historical Context
The literature has identified several parameters for modernizing the historical context of cities, which are briefly introduced below:
| Kanzen (1996) Huscara (2009) Pendlebury (2005) Wehbi and Lipchfeld (1988) Oktay (2005), Sitte (2005) Pamir (2004) Jukilto (1992) Tisdale and Tim Heath (1994) Rostami and Ziari (1390) | ||
Matching time and place | |||
Readability and texture | |||
Visual Quality | |||
Permeability and accessibility and orientation | |||
Protection and prevention of destruction | |||
Security and privacy | |||
Climate and native building materials | |||
Attention to the needs of residents | |||
Introversion | |||
Scale | |||
Non-geometric and natural organic passages and structures | |||
Investing in contemporization | English Heritage (2008) Ashworth, Tunbridge, and Doratelli (2000) Silvivas (2016), Tisdale and Tim Heath (1994) | ||
Amendment of relevant rules and regulations | |||
Tourist attractions and sustainable resources | |||
Reforming the pattern of land ownership | |||
Applications Commixture in terms of land value | |||
Socio-cultural | People's participation | Yazidi, (2006), Yazdel et al. (2006) Larkham (1996), Pour Serajian, (2014), Habibi and Maqsoudi, (2018), Mehdizadeh (2010). Breed et al. (1993, Bianchini (1993), Landry (1995), Smith (2007), Middleton and Froston (2008), Kimes and Philo (1993), Borgel (2000), Ashworth, Tunbridge and Doratelli (2000), Quinn (2005), Richards and Palmer (2010). | |
Identity and social cohesion | |||
Continuity of social life | |||
Cultural body and culture-oriented residents | |||
Identity | |||
Necessary training in the field of contemporization in related academic fields | |||
Necessary training for relevant officials and citizens in dealing with tourists | |||
Cultural heritage | |||
Meetings related to the contemporization of historical context |
In the following section, the indicators and factors related to each of the main parameters will be discussed, along with their respective goals and approaches.
Physical Parameters: These parameters pertain to the principles and characteristics of a new construction or the preservation of existing architectural values and cognitive beauty within the historical context. The most critical principle in creating new buildings or spaces in such contexts is to ensure respect for the historical setting [24]. This principle serves as a foundation for other essential guidelines, such as emphasizing authenticity, usability, familiarity with the place, and the utilization of aesthetic values [25]. Additionally, it encourages the revival of the old context and draws inspiration from it for the construction of the surrounding environment, leveraging the rich artistic methods of the past in contemporary design [26]. In this group of theories, the objective is to create a mechanism that facilitates urban development without disrupting the physical identity of the historical context. To protect existing values within the historical context, the concept of dynamic preservation is proposed, which entails preserving the form and dynamic function of the context to showcase it to tourists [27]. This approach aims to strike a balance between protection and urban development. Functionally, it proposes providing modern-era needs, such as improved access to services, traffic networks, and permeability [28]. Considering the organic movement and access structures, urban spaces with diverse functions become integral parts of the historical textures [29]. The approach underscores that any intervention in historical contexts, regardless of environmental protection, functional structure, and activity compatibility, would likely fail [30], making it one of the most original functional contemporization strategies.
Economic Parameters: The presence of valuable architectural and spatial assets within historical contexts presents significant potential for attracting tourists and generating economic income. According to this approach, economic structures within historical contexts typically unfold in two stages: The first stage involves utilizing internal capacities to establish economic self-sufficiency, ensuring long-term financial viability while safeguarding historic buildings and spaces [31]. The second stage focuses on creating economic attractions within active profit centers in cities, which often enhance economic value by attracting tourists and generating job opportunities that align with the cultural spirit [32]. This measure should directly or indirectly contribute to raising the economic level of the context. It should either stimulate economic activity itself or promote capital circulation indirectly through revenue catalysts.
Socio-cultural parameters primarily address the growth and development of social capital [33] within the historical context to enhance social dignity and improve residents' quality of life, with a direct correlation to their level of participation and responsibility towards their neighborhood. A higher rate and level of citizens' involvement in the contemporization process result in more rapid and impactful changes. Therefore, it is essential to foster cooperation and social participation during the design process in historical contexts for contemporization. An important aspect of utilizing participation techniques is to consider subcultures and the historical background when incorporating historical values in the redesign and representation of existing social activities [34]. In this regard, cultural approaches play a crucial role in utilizing historical identity to create recognition and credibility [35]. Protecting historical heritage and showing respect for historical values [36] and introducing historical cores within the urban context are among the most successful methods to establish order and continuity [37] among the proposed solutions during this process.
3. Methodology
3.1. Research Method
The present study aims to identify the effective parameters in modernizing the historical context of the Samen district in Mashhad, with a particular focus on preserving its heritage identity. The study aims to explore the initial concept of contemporization and revitalization and subsequently provide an approach towards the contemporization process and its parameters, within a broad framework. The research methodology is descriptive-analytical, considering the nature of the research. Data collection relies on documentary methods and library studies. The dimensions and frameworks of the subject under investigation were examined to determine the research indices. To achieve this, the Delphi technique was employed. Using this method, certain indicators were selected and integrated into the questionnaire. The Delphi method is a structured process for gathering and summarizing knowledge obtained from a group of experts. This knowledge is acquired through the distribution of questionnaires with controlled theoretical feedback. The Delphi method facilitates effective communication among a group of experts and allows for informed judgments from the group.
3.2. Research Variables and Indicators
An essential step in developing indicators is to identify appropriate variables that reflect the factors related to the research topic. The quality of the selected indicators depends on the strengths and weaknesses of the underlying variables, making the criteria for ensuring their quality crucial. In this present research, the focus is on examining the physical, economic, and socio-cultural parameters of the contemporization of the historical context in the metropolis of Mashhad. The indicators have been extracted based on the insights and opinions of experts and specialists. The selection of dimensions and indicators was guided by their compatibility with the concept of contemporization, their level of accessibility, sensitivity, reproducibility, and obtainability, as well as their scope, simplicity, and relationship with different dimensions of the research subject. A questionnaire was prepared using the Cochran sampling method and was distributed among 32 knowledgeable specialists and experts, who were purposefully selected. The final data collected from the questionnaire was then utilized for analysis. To assess the questionnaire's validity, the opinions of experts were sought. Additionally, the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, resulting in a value of 0.739, which exceeds the threshold of 0. 07, confirming the questionnaire's reliability.
3.3. The Geographical Scope of the Research
The research focuses on the historical context of the same district, which is situated within the geographical area of Mashhad, Iran. Mashhad has a total area of approximately 9142 square kilometers and is home to a population of 3,057,679 people, making it the second most populous metropolis in Iran's northeast region [38]. Mashhad experiences a semi-arid and cool mid-latitude steppe climate according to Köppen's climate classification. Ambergé's classification categorizes it as a dry and cold climate, while De Martonne's classification deems Mashhad's climate as semi-arid [39]. The western and southwestern regions of the city are considered prosperous areas due to their favorable geographical positioning, characterized by prevailing winds and the slope of the land [39].
As the capital of the Razavi Khorasan province, Mashhad holds significance as the largest population center in the east and northeast of Iran. Its geopolitical location also makes it the most prominent Shiite city in Western Asia and the traditional Muslim city of China, Central Asia, and Afghanistan, emphasizing the need for organized and guided cultural activities [40]. The emergence and development of Mashhad city have been influenced by two main origins: natural factors, including the Kashaf Roud valley and Binalud plain, and historical factors, namely the old tools and the presence of the Imam Reza shrine. These factors, such as religious centrality, geographical conditions, communication position, and political-administrative centrality, have contributed to the formation of a centralized and linear pattern in Mashhad. While this pattern of development had economic, social, and environmental advantages in the past, in recent years, it has encountered a saturation of activities and spatial and environmental challenges [41]. The Mashhad Municipality consists of thirteen urban districts and independent municipalities, with District 13 (Seaman District) responsible for the construction and renovation of the context around the Imam Reza Shrine. The area studied in the current research is Samen District, one of the most significant historical areas with a valuable historical-cultural context, covering an area of about 360 hectares.
Samen District is located in the "Payin-Khyaban" neighborhood of Mashhad, situated in the underpass of the shrine, Nawab Safavi Blvd. It is located near centers like Reza Bazaar, Gold Dome, Mashhad Health Center No. 2, and the Imam Reza Holy Shrine [41]. This historical district plays a crucial role in Mashhad's overall development and cultural significance.
Map 1: Samen district of Mashhad, Vice-Chancellor of Urban Planning and Architecture (Mapping, Design Management, and Urban Environment Improvement Group), (2019)
4. Research Findings
The data recognition and analysis in this research were conducted based on the type of subject, allowing for independent or combined quantitative and qualitative data analysis, which can be repeated in multiple stages [42]. To comprehend and analyze the research, descriptive statistics such as mean, median, and standard deviation were utilized, depending on the research goals and the available data.
The middle of the middle | standard deviation | The lowest amount | The highest amount | |
physical | 43.9451 | 0.34647 | 2.86 | 4.86 |
economic | 3.763.6750 | 0.55654 | 2.00 | 4.75 |
Socio-cultural | 3.3333.4051 | 0.632163 | 2.00 | 5 |
The indicators and strategy were compiled and verified based on the information and questionnaire data provided by the experts. To determine the priority of the proposed options, the hierarchical analysis process was employed, as it allows for decision-making qualitative criteria [43]. This method also aids in structuring the decision-making problem by establishing a hierarchy. The data obtained from the questionnaire was processed using Expert Choice software. Each research variable was measured through related questions, and its descriptive characteristics are presented in Table 2.
Next, the ranking and determination of the importance factor, identifying the main influential agents in the contemporization of the historical contexts of the Mashhad metropolis, were carried out. The evaluation of criteria was done through pairwise comparison and assigning points, indicating the preference or importance between the two criteria. After ranking the main factors in the contemporization of the historical contexts of the Mashhad metropolis, the indicators related to each of the three parameters above were also prioritized using the explained method. Therefore, the decision maker compares the indicators and uses the numbers for pairwise comparisons. Using the spectrum from 1 to 9, it is possible to form a matrix of paired comparisons in the form of numbers. That is, the decision maker expresses his preferences by comparing the elements of each level compared to the higher level. Therefore, the final weight and prioritization of the strengths of the contemporization of the historical contexts of the Mashhad metropolis from the perspective of all respondents and with the AHP method are described in Table 3.
SuperDecision chart output | Table. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Physical – functional |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Economic |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Social |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cultural |
It is observed that the total importance coefficients are exactly equal to one, which is an indicator of the correctness and accuracy of the calculations. |
Table 3: Summarizing the analysis of contemporization parameters of the historical contexts of Mashhad metropolis with AHP method, source: The authors, 2023 |
After ranking the main factors, the indicators related to each of the above three parameters are also prioritized with the method that was explained. (Tables 4, 5, and 6)
Table 4: Prioritization of physical-functional parameters of contemporization with the AHP method from the experts’ perspective. Source: The authors, 2023 |
weight | Priority | |
Creating spaces with the ability to adapt to future changes | 481 | 1 |
Transferring workshop and warehouse activities outside of Baft | 0.258 | 2 |
Penetration and ease of access | 0.100 | 3 |
Utilization of wastelands in the definition of new activities | 0.063 | 4 |
Protection and prevention of context destruction | 0.057 | 5 |
Provision of service infrastructures for context viability | 0.04 | 6 |
Considering that the inconsistency rate is below 0.1, the above output is acceptable.
Table 5: Prioritization of the economic parameters of contemporization using the AHP method from the experts’ perspective. Source: The authors, 2023
weight | Priority | |
Strengthening the local economy by providing traditional products | 0.325 | 1 |
Reforming the pattern of land ownership | 0.301 | 2 |
Changing the function and injecting new activities | 0.284 | 3 |
Strengthening tourist attractions to provide fur resources | 0.091 | 4 |
Table 6: Prioritization of socio-cultural parameters of contemporization using the AHP method from the experts’ perspective. Source: The authors, 2023
weight | Priority | |
Attracting people's participation | 0.474 | 1 |
Injecting traditional and modern activities to prevent the spread of insecurity and social problems. | 0.376 | 2 |
Promotion of social identity | 0.149 | 3 |
Considering that the inconsistency rate is below 0.1, the above output is acceptable.
According to the data, the physical variable is given the highest priority, while the socio-cultural variable is given the lowest priority in the contemporization of the Mashhad metropolis' historical context. The evaluation of these components involved comparing them to each other and assigning them relative values and priorities. Therefore, to enhance theoretical knowledge in the field of contemporization, it is important to determine the contribution of each factor in shaping the urban spaces of the Mashhad metropolis' historical context. It should be noted that being ranked first does not necessarily indicate a component's value or full score; rather, it signifies its rank and priority compared to other parameters. In other words, all three parameters are closely interconnected and have varying influence coefficients on contemporization in this research.
5. Conclusion and Recommendations
The historical contexts of cities are inseparable from the various changes that occur within them, including physical, economic, cultural, and social transformations. It is imperative to expedite these changes for several reasons. Accelerating the contemporization process ensures that the central spaces of the city retain their importance and quality while preserving strong interactions between the city's inhabitants and its historical context. Failure to address the needs of modern cities within these historical contexts and neglecting their valuable historical and cultural collections hidden within them may lead to irreparable consequences in the future. To address these challenges, it is crucial to improve the physical and biological quality, as well as enhance the socio-cultural and economic attributes of the context. The involvement of urban design and planning experts in the contemporization of historical contexts is essential. Their expertise can help shape urban spaces in a human-oriented manner, allowing historical urban contexts to offer modern services more efficiently. Moreover, this approach can revitalize humanism and promote the healthy development of human activities within these historical contexts. This research provides insight into and analyzes the physical, economic, and socio-cultural factors and parameters that significantly influence the contemporization process within the historical-cultural context of Mashhad (Samen District), with a strong emphasis on identity preservation. The research has examined the physical, economic, and socio-cultural factors and parameters based on the responses of the statistical community comprised of experts and specialists. Indicators were considered for each factor and prioritized and ranked using the AHP method. The findings reveal the following:
- There exists a significant relationship between all the determining parameters concerning the modernization of urban spaces within the historical context of the Mashhad metropolis. Thus, contemporization goals should be established based on the simultaneous adaptation of the physical context with the economic, social, and cultural structures of the urban area.
- The physical and economic components hold the first and second priorities, respectively, in the process of modernizing historical contexts. In prominent examples of urban contemporization, the physical context represents the present and future while being connected and contemporized through local economic and social factors. This leads to the establishment of a stable and permanent identity and character, contributing to the reconstruction of the urban identity.Urban identity is a distinguishing feature that sets one city apart from another, and considering a city without its own identity is not feasible. Addressing the challenge between identity and contemporization of historical contexts necessitates the consideration of the identity creation process and its semantic layers. In protecting the history of a city, the past serves as one point of reference, but it also establishes a link between the present and the future. All components arising from the social, economic, physical, and cultural contexts of the city, provided they remain continuous, can collectively contribute to the creation of identity.
- The index of improving accessibility is identified as the most important advantage of modernizing the historical-cultural context, while the most significant disadvantage is the potential destruction of historical contexts. The provision of service infrastructures for sustainable context development is considered the most important opportunity, and the effects of elongating the structure are seen as the most critical threat.
- Based on the experience gained from this research, it is recommended to explore the factors influencing the contemporization of historical-cultural contexts in other megacities and compare them internationally. Additionally, studying the obstacles and challenges of contemporization and analyzing modernized cases based on identity can provide valuable insights.
Comparing the current research with the research conducted by the researchers in this field, which are mentioned in the current research, it can be acknowledged that the mentioned studies were mainly carried out with a modernist (body-oriented) contemporization approach without regard to the history and identity of the tissue. And the historical continuity of the fabric and the dependence on the human mind has faded, in which the renovated fabrics lack an acceptable urban identity and with a lack of commitment in participation and responsibility, a false cycle in which the instability of the social composition and the reduction of residence time in the fabric Or with extreme emphasis on the impact of identity in historical contexts that has been made from the results of social studies, this factor has been highlighted in which the adaptation of changes and new urban needs has been neglected. While the contemporization of historical contexts is a sensitive and complex process that requires the design of targeted strategies and solutions, which will not be possible except through the study of the physical, economic and social dimensions of the context. The present research tries to be a suitable alternative to the previous programs by benefiting from the synergy of resources and opportunities and paying attention to the cultural and historical values and wealth of the cities and allocating the necessary resources for this.
Strategic recommendations
In connection with the modernization strategies with the physical-functional approach, it is possible to create relatively active functions in order to prefer the residents for residence, the existence of appropriate activities with high applicability. Modern uses in barren lands, proper construction for easy access, Among the suggested solutions in the historical context of the metropolis of Mashhad is that, in line with the goals of this research, physical modernization is required. In the field of physical parameters, the examination of the obstacles to the modernization of historical contexts, the identification of buildings and historical monuments in the context to prevent destruction. possibility by the owners or damage to the desired works and carrying out the necessary restoration measures, adjusting and balancing the height densities of new buildings in the context by creating height restrictions according to variables such as population density, the condition of the road network, neighboring buildings , preserving and strengthening residential use as the dominant use of the historical context of Mashhad metropolis and removing incompatible uses such as disturbing workshop units, commercial warehouses, repair shops, etc. from the residential context and especially around valuable historical buildings, creating suitable functions with the ability High adaptability for contemporary uses in vacant land of the desired texture.
In the field of economic parameters, providing incentive solutions (financial, credit and facilities) to the owners and investors of historical context for the renovation, improvement and restoration of buildings with historical value and maintenance, attracting financial and human resources by using public and public sector partnerships. private and non-governmental organizations (residents and workers) in order to concentrate these resources, to solve the most acute and urgent problems of Baft neighborhoods, to amend the land ownership law located in Baft in order to facilitate the acquisition and release of lands located in government plans, injecting new content into forms Old texture for economic vitality. Reforming the pattern of land ownership, increasing tourist attractions and raising the level of historical context, creating employment for economic vitality are among the strategies that are aimed at improving the current approach. The economic structure of the fabric can be done, to the historical fabric with rich and capable values. Use, have appropriate functions.
Along with physical-functional and economic modernization, strategies for social and cultural modernization are also needed in order to increase identity. Improving the quality of life in the historical context to increase the desire of the residents of the neighborhoods to reduce the phenomenon of migration through providing services and increasing the spirit of participation of the residents of the historical context, taking advantage of the socio-cultural cohesion formed in the area of the Razavi Shrine to promote social capital in the historical context. Cultural Mashhad, supporting the formation of non-governmental organizations in the historical-cultural context in order to transfer the findings to the officials and city management and to solve the problems and problems of the residents and pay attention to their impact on the decisions made, explaining the role of neighborhoods according to the types and activities of the attractors. tourist, such as a handicrafts supply center, a center for artistic activities and festivals, religious ceremonies, etc., to citizens and tourists, supporting as much as possible the cultural-artistic centers of Baft and providing more facilities and facilities by those in charge, building cultural capacity and awareness Building trust and giving identity to Baft neighborhoods in interaction with the native culture of the historical-cultural region, introducing the identity, historical and cultural role of Baft to the citizens in order to pay more attention to the birth certificate and the past of the city, injecting new content into the old Baft forms, citizens' participation in The evolution and improvement of the fabric issues will promote the social identity of the historical fabric in order to achieve a high development dynamic among the proposed solutions of this research.
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