Development of an Effective Indicators Model on the Genius loci by House Sorting in Pahlavi period
Subject Areas : Creative City Design
farzaneh bimakr
reza mirzaei
Seyyed Mehdi Madahi
Ahmad Heidari
1 - Department of Art and
Architecture, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran.
2 - assistant Professor, Department of Art and Architecture, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University,Birjand, Iran.
3 - assistant Professor, Department of Art and Architecture, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Architecture, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran
Keywords: Pahlavi period, Genius loci, Delphi method, Mashhad, types of houses,
Abstract :
Genius loci is a lost concept in the spatial quality of today's homes. The starting point of this transformation is the Pahlavi historical period with new developments in Iranian architecture when by imitating Western architecture, it led to the creation of a mask alien to Iranian culture on the spirit of home and city architecture. In order to solve this problem, identifying the types of houses in the Pahlavi period with the help of identifying their architectural context can be effective in developing indicators that improve the Genius loci in today's homes. In this article, which is part of a research by examining the species of Pahlavi house in Mashhad; the refinement of these indicators and the compilation of a model of them with the help of Delphi method and Shannon technique are considered. The main 2 question of this stage of the research is, firstly, how the interaction between typology and architectural developments can help improve the Genius loci today, and secondly, what are the effective indicators on improving the Genius loci in the field of contemporary housing and how can achieve them? In order to answer the questions, in the first stage of the research, based on the fundamental theory method, the proposed initial model was developed based on a review of sources and residents' opinions. Then, by collecting the theories of a circle of 12 experts from the field of housing during four stages of interviews and questionnaires, the validity of the model was performed and the data obtained from their agreement were collected and analyzed using the Shannon technique. Finally, the final model of the research was developed based on 12 main indicators and 45 sub-indices in 4 effective categories. The most effective indicators on sensory perception are in the perceptual-cognitive category with an impact weight of (0.0537). The most important influential dimension is the cognitive category, which has the greatest impact on improving the sense of place through the indicators of bodily perception, sense of belonging and emotional attachment.