Instructions to Authors
In order to submit your contribution, we kindly ask you to pay attention to the following instructions:
- Your paper must comply with the following format:
1) Title,
2) Name and address of author(s),
3) Abstract,
4) Keywords,
5) Introduction,
6) The main work done by author(s),
7) Conclusions,
8) Acknowledgment (if needed),
9) References.
- Papers must be set in a two-column format.
- The authors are recommended to use Times New Roman font: size 10 for the abstract and keywords and size 11 for the main text.
- Figures and tables are requested to appear in different pages. Otherwise it is required that the figures or tables come at the top or the bottom of the same page.
- Tables and figures must be numbered in above and bottom respectively.
- References must be listed by the family name of the authors and according to the following format:
- a) Reference to a book:
Montgomery, D. C., 1991, Design and analysis of experiments. Third edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 76-79.
- b) Reference to an article:
Fredendall, L. D. and Lea, B. R., 1997, Improving the product mix heuristic in the theory of constraints. International Journal of Production Research, 35(6), 1535-1544.
- c) Reference to a paper in conference proceedings:
Choudhary, V., Tomak, K. and Chaturvedi, A., 1998, The effect of network externalities on software pricing. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Press, 251-260.
- In order to cite of a reference in the text, use the number of the reference in brackets.
- Only papers which have never been published in other journals and benefit from significant contributions will be considered.
- The paper should not be under consideration of any other journal.
- Review papers will not be considered.
- In the case of hard copy submission, three copies of the manuscript must be submitted, two of which should not include authors’ names and affiliations. The electronic format of the paper must be also submitted on a CD. It must also contain word and PDF formats.
- In the case of online submission, each paper should be prepared in one Word format and two PDF format files where one of them does not include authors’ names and affiliations. The authors may submit the paper files through the option of “My Paper” in the site of ANSP.