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    The agricultural marketing and commercialization Journal  (AMC), a new broad-based journal, is an open-access journal that was founded on two key tenets: to publish the most exciting research in all areas of Agricultural Management and Development. Secondly to provide the most rapid turnaround time possible for reviewing and publishing, and to disseminate the article freely for teaching and reference purposes. All submissions to the IJAMAD Journal undergo a fair, supportive, and double-blind peer-review process and it takes about four months after the first submission. The title acceptance rate is about 38%. All submitted manuscripts are checked for similarity through a trustworthy software named "plagiarism checker" to be assured about their originality and then rigorously peer-reviewed by international reviewers. 

    The agricultural marketing and commercialization Journal is a Bi-Quarterly one that published papers that report significant original research results on, or techniques for studying, the relationships between structure, processing, properties, and performance of agricultural marketing and commercialization, at the end of June and September of each year. 
    This journal is published in cooperation with the agricultural research center. 
    Published articles are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited. 

    The journal invites substantial contributions in the following areas:

    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on the manifold problems
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on the total cultivated area to under food grains and pulses marketed as they remain surplus after meeting the consumption needs of the farmers.
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on the Development of technology, quick means of communication, and transportation have introduced specialization in agriculture.
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization of Agriculture supply raw materials to various industries and therefore, marketing of such commercial
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on green revolution agricultural production in general and food grains, in particular, has substantially increased. Agriculture once looked at as a subsistence sector is slowly changing to a surplus and business proposition.
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on The interaction among producers, market functionaries, consumers, and government that determine the cost of marketing and sharing of this cost among the various participants.
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on the efficiency process, which results in lower costs of distribution at lower prices to consumers, really brings about an increase in the national income.
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on reduction in the cost of marketing
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on bringing new varieties, qualities, and beneficial goods to consumers and therefore
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on Scientific and systematic process
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on stimulating the growth of the number of agro-based industries mainly in the field of processing.
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on new technical knowledge and induce farmers to adopt up-to-date scientific methods of cultivation.
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on The modes of operation of some of the major types of agricultural and food marketing enterprises
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on Affected by Disaster (Flood, Drought)/ Low Productivity
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on Lack of Agricultural Land (Paddy Land)
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization on Lack of Capital/ Money/ Fund
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization of Crops Destroyed (Diseases, Insects, etc.)
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization of Insufficient Food (especially Paddy)
    Agricultural Marketing and commercialization one Lack of Irrigation