Evaluating the performance of Bank Melli in supporting the production of domestic goods by providing banking facilities for the purchase of goods based on the Kaplan and Norton Balanced Scorecards model
Subject Areas : Agriculture Marketing and CommercializationMohammad Aliyari 1 , Akbar Bagheri 2 * , Ali Asghar Lotfi 3
1 - Department of Economics, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr branch, Islamshahr, Iran
2 - Department of Economics, Islamshahr branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran
3 - Department of Accounting, Islamshahr branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran
Keywords: Support, Bank Melli Iran, Facilities for purchasing goods, production of domestic goods, Alkoi Balanced Scores,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of Bank Melli in supporting the production of domestic goods by providing banking facilities for the purchase of goods based on the Kaplan and Norton Balanced Scorecards model. To achieve this goal, the theoretical foundations and related internal and external studies have been examined. In the next step, based on the research model and its dimensions, a research questionnaire was designed and distributed among a sample of 150 managers and experts of Bank Melli and examined and descriptive and inferential statistical analysis (testing of research hypotheses). The results show that there is a significant difference between the current and favorable situation of purchasing domestic goods by providing facilities for purchasing goods of Bank Melli in all four dimensions of the balanced evaluation model (value, finance, work processes, and education and learning). Finally, in the framework of the research results, proposals were presented to support domestic production based on the mentioned dimensions with the help of facilities granted for the purchase of domestic goods of Bank Melli.
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