Nonlinear Mechanical Properties of Random Networks Composed of Nonlinear Fibers
Subject Areas : composite materialsReyhaneh Mirkhani 1 , Ali Asghar Alamdar 2 * , Saeed Ebrahimi 3
1 - PhD student in Textile Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Textile Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
3 - Department of Mechanical Engineering,Yazd University, Iran
Keywords: Athermal Fibers, Biopolymer Networks, Lattice Structure, Mechanical Properties, Nonlinear Fiber, Random Networks ,
Abstract :
The disordered fibrous networks provide load-bearing and main structural to different biological materials such as soft tissues. These networks display a highly nonlinear stress-strain relationship behavior when subjected to mechanical loads. This nonlinear strain-stiffening behavior is dependent on the network microstructure and properties of constituting fiber. We conduct a comprehensive computational study to characterize the importance of material properties of individual fibers as well as the local connectivity or coordination number and bending rigidity in the overall nonlinear mechanical response of a 3D random fiber network. The presented model shows the nonlinear stiffening with increasing applied shear strain more than critical shear strain. We determine the amount of strain-stiffening as a function of network microstructure parameters and the amount of nonlinearity of the fibers. The results show that the constitutive behavior of fibers displays much more strain-stiffening than networks made up of linear fibers. We find that the importance of the nonlinear reaction of individual fiber materials in the general mechanical behavior of networks becomes more important with increasing network connectivity. Furthermore, the amount of stress created in the network under shear increases with the enhanced connectivity of the network due to an increase in the network stiffness. Our model points to the important role of the mechanical response of individual fiber as well as the microstructure of the network in determining the overall mechanical properties of the 3D random network, which could be used to design and better understand the complex biomimetic network systems such as biological tissues and artificial engineering networks.
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Int. J. Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, 2024, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 33-42
DOI: ISSN: 2252-0406
Nonlinear Mechanical Properties of Random Networks Composed of Nonlinear Fibers
Reyhane Mirkhani, Ali Asghar Alamdar Yazdi*
Department of Textile Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
*Corresponding author
Saeid Ebrahimi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
Received: 10 August 2021, Revised: 26 November 2021, Accepted: 10 December 2021
Abstract: The disordered fibrous networks provide load-bearing and main structural to different biological materials such as soft tissues. These networks display a highly nonlinear stress-strain relationship behavior when subjected to mechanical loads. This nonlinear strain-stiffening behavior is dependent on the network microstructure and properties of constituting fiber. We conduct a comprehensive computational study to characterize the importance of material properties of individual fibers as well as the local connectivity or coordination number and bending rigidity in the overall nonlinear mechanical response of a 3D random fiber network. The presented model shows the nonlinear stiffening with increasing applied shear strain more than critical shear strain. We determine the amount of strain-stiffening as a function of network microstructure parameters and the amount of nonlinearity of the fibers. The results show that the constitutive behavior of fibers displays much more strain-stiffening than networks made up of linear fibers. We find that the importance of the nonlinear reaction of individual fiber materials in the general mechanical behavior of networks becomes more important with increasing network connectivity. Furthermore, the amount of stress created in the network under shear increases with the enhanced connectivity of the network due to an increase in the network stiffness. Our model points to the important role of the mechanical response of individual fiber as well as the microstructure of the network in determining the overall mechanical properties of the 3D random network, which could be used to design and better understand the complex biomimetic network systems such as biological tissues and artificial engineering networks.
Keywords: Athermal Fibers, Biopolymer Networks, Lattice Structure, Mechanical Properties, Nonlinear Fiber, Random Networks
Biographical notes: Reyhane Mirkhani is a PhD student in Textile Engineering at Yazd University. Her field of research is the Mechanical Behavior of fiber networks. Aliasghar Alamdar Yazdi is Assistant Professor of Textile Engineering at Yazd University. His research field of study focuses on the Mechanical Behavior of Yarns and Fabrics. Saeed Ebrahimi is currently Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Yazd University and his main research interests are Multibody Systems Dynamics, Robotics, Vibration Analysis of Mechanical Systems and Mechanism Analysis.
Biopolymer networks as the major part of the structure of living materials need to be recognized and evaluated for their mechanical properties. These networks are present in a wide range such as collagen and the actin cortex of eukaryotic cells [1]. In order to evaluate the shape and structure of the cell as well as its function, it is necessary to know the mechanical properties of the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix [2]. The most abundant fibrous protein, which is mainly found in various tissues such as articular cartilage, ligaments, cornea, and tendons, is collagen which shows the nonlinear elastic response [3-4]. This material has been considered as a major component in the performance and mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix and plays a major role in the fiber network [5-6]. Due to the widespread presence of fiber networks in various vital processes such as cellular motility [7], mechanical cell-cell communication [8-9], and stress management in articular cartilage [10], understanding the nonlinear mechanical response of fibrous networks and the effect of architecture parameter on it, are always been considered as challenging issues by researchers.
Various experimental and numerical studies have been performed on biopolymer networks; the results of these studies have shown nonlinear elastic behavior as well as large deformations in the network under different loading conditions [11-14]. In general, based on the elastic properties and network architecture, these types of networks are classified as semi-flexible biopolymer networks [15-16]. Researchers have mainly evaluated the behavior and performance of the fiber network based on affine models. In affine models, it is assumed that fiber segments are deformed based on far-field strain [5]. In these models, the mechanical behavior of the fiber network has been influenced by microstructural parameters such as fiber orientation and cross-link density [11-12]. But in reality, the behavior and mechanical responses of fiber networks, especially biological materials, are nonaffine. This issue has been important because in order to conduct detailed studies on these networks, nonlinear behavior and properties must be considered [17]. To date, various numerical studies have been performed in the form of affine and non-affine models with lattice-based and off-lattice network structures for assessing the origins of the nonlinear elasticity of fibrous networks [18-23].
Previous studies using numerical models have investigated that nonlinear strain-stiffening behavior is related to their architecture and mechanical properties of their fibrous constituents [24–32]. Moreover, the specific structural parameter of networks has been shown to have a significant influence on certain aspects of their mechanical response [33-34]. However, according to the real structure of the fiber network, there is a need to study and evaluate the network in 3D space, and little attention has been paid to the 3D random networks constituting nonlinear fibers that could play in controlling the nonlinear elasticity of random networks.
The primary objective of this study is to provide a thorough investigation of how material properties of individual fibers along with various geometrical network parameters, such as network connectivity, and bending rigidity, affect the nonlinear mechanics of 3D random networks. For this purpose, we present the microstructure of 3D networks as disordered and diluted faced-cantered cubic lattices with different connectivity. In the model, the stress-strain response of individual fibers is represented by an exponential function to study the nonlinear mechanical response of 3D random networks, in which nonlinearity is varied from low to high. The computer simulation is used to study the mechanical response of fibrous networks subjected to simple shear. The effects of geometrical parameters of the 3D random networks being composed of nonlinear fibers and their relation to the nonlinearity of the network mechanical response are also characterized. The influence of the nonlinear stress-strain behavior of fibers on the network shear modulus is also studied. The numerical results show that the mechanical properties of constituting fibers and geometrical network parameters have important effects on the mechanical response of 3D random polymer networks.
2 PROCEDURES for Paper Submission
In this research, by evaluating the research background and the results of previous research, the main parameters in evaluating the mechanical behavior and responses of the fiber network are identified and categorized. Based on the extracted parameters, research scenarios are created to implement the studies. Under the research scenarios, parametric studies are performed using numerical modeling. In this section, research variables are evaluated, as well as research scenarios and numerical models are presented.
2.1. Numerical Model Specifications
In this research, in order to evaluate the mechanical properties and responses of the 3D fiber network, the network microstructure (network connectivity, bending rigidity) and properties of constituting fiber are examined, and the models are implemented based on the change in these parameters and the results are obtained.
Network Structure
Various structures such as lattice-based and off-lattice network structures can be used to perform numerical studies on fiber networks. In this study, because of the superior features of the lattice structure in modeling network architecture, we use this structure to conduct studies. Due to the conditions and 3D modeling space, we used the faced-cantered cubic lattice (FCC) structure to model the fiber network. Figure 1a shows a schematic view of an FCC lattice network.
Fig. 1 Fiber network structure: (a): FCC Lattice Network, (b): Diluted Lattice Network Z=4, (c): Diluted Lattice Network Z=3.4, and (d): Diluted Lattice Network Z=2.4.
Network Connectivity
Biopolymer materials mainly form cross-linked network structures. The network connectivity indicates the average number of cross-links in a polymer network. In natural tissues, the average cross-links (Z) of biopolymer materials are between 2 and 4. [20], [35-37]. The network connectivity parameter has been one of the effective criteria in the stabilization and stability of polymer networks, which has an important role in the mechanical properties and network responses under different loading conditions [36]. In this research, to create 3D polymer networks with average variable connectivity (2<Z<4), first a complete faced-cantered cubic lattice network with dimensions has been created. The maximum number of cross links in 3D networks is 12 (Zmax=12). The next step is to dilute the network by randomly removing the components with a q=1-p (p is a Possibility of existence) probability in order to adjust the average network connectivity. In this research, we have considered the dimensions of the network as 4.5*4.5*4.5 (w= 4.5 mm). We have also considered the values of network connection (Z) in 3 conditions (Z = 2.4, 3.6, 4) in the numerical studies (“Fig. 1. b-d”).
Bending Rigidity
One of the effective parameters in evaluating fiber network responses and their mechanical behavior is dimensionless bending rigidity. This parameter is defined based on the physical and mechanical properties of the fiber segment and is considered as an effective factor in tensile, shear, and bending deformations. In order to numerical model the fiber network composed of elastic athermal fiber, the beam element is used. Assuming the physical properties of the beam element as follows, the dimensionless bending rigidity relationship can be formulated [37].
· A: cross-sectional area of the beam element
· I: second moment of inertia
· E: Young’s modulus
· : stretching modulus -
· : bending rigidity -
· : dimensionless bending rigidity -
The parameter represents the flexibility of the fibers. Because of its significant effect on the properties of the fiber network, we have considered it as one variable of this research.
Nonlinear Fiber Behavior
The fibers are modeled as Timoshenko beams taking into account their stretching, shear, and bending deformations. For networks composed of linear elastic fibers, the beam segments are assumed to have cross-sectional area A, second moment of inertia I, Young’s modulus E, stretching modulus , and bending rigidity
, and thus, dimensionless bending rigidity
[5]. The dimensionless bending rigidity quantifies the flexibility of the fibers and is varied from 0. 001 to 0.1 in the present study reported in the literature [1], [5]. To evaluate the nonlinear behavior of fibers in a 3D network, the exponential function to represent the stress-strain response of nonlinear fibers has been used based on (H. Marbini & M. Rohanifar, 2020) [5]. According to the proposed model, the fibers have an initial linear elastic response followed by an exponential hardening reaction [5], [36]. The proposed relationship between the stress-strain of the fibers is formulated according to Equation (1).
Where represents the strain at which the linear behavior of the material switches to exponential form, B is a parameter for controlling the nonlinearity of the material behavior, which varies between 1 and 0.1.
The major purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance and mechanical properties of the fiber networks under shear loading. In this regard, as shown in “Fig. 2”, to apply the shear strain γ to random fiber network, all fibers intersecting the vertical boundary are only fixed in the horizontal and vertical directions, and those attaching to the opposite side boundary are constrained to translate vertically down. The finite shear strain γ is applied incrementally from 0 to 100%. Once the finite element simulation results are obtained, we calculate the shear stress by dividing the summation of forces in the fibers intersecting the upper lattice boundary by . The differential shear modulus of the networks, also referred to as stiffness herein, at each increment is defined as the slope of the stress-strain response, i.e. K = ժσ/ժ γ, where γ and σ are the applied shear strain and calculated shear stress, respectively. In the following, the stress and stiffness are given in units of µ/
Fig. 2 Initial and boundary conditions of the research models.
2.2. Research Scenarios
In order to evaluate the mechanical behavior and responses of the fiber network accurately, after extracting the main effective variables and parameters, numerical modeling scenarios are defined.
According to the research variables that were introduced in the previous section, the modeling scenarios have been as follows.
· Network connectivity variable: we consider three different values Z=2.4, 3.4, and 4 [20], [35-37] for the average fiber network connectivity.
· Bending rigidity variable: In order to evaluate the performance of the network and its flexibility, the properties of the beam element that represents the fiber segment are defined in such a way that three different values for the dimensionless bending rigidity () are studied (0.1, 0.01 and 0.001).
· Nonlinear fiber variable: Based on the explanations provided in the previous section, it is clear that parameter B in equation 1 is considered to control the nonlinear performance of the material, therefore we considered three different values B=1, 0.2, and 0.1 for slightly nonlinear, nonlinear and highly nonlinear for this parameter as mentioned in literature [5]. Figure 3 shows the nonlinear behavior of the fiber material (normalized stress-strain response curve) based on different values of parameter B [5].
Fig. 3 The normalized stress-strain response of fibers Based on changes in B.
According to the proposed variables and to evaluate the impact of each variable, the numerical modeling scenario is defined taking into account all possible cases and 27 models are planned to model comprehensive parametric studies (“Table 1”). In this research, parametric studies and numerical modeling based on defined scenarios have been performed in Abacus finite element software. In this regard, Python programming language has been used to define the various structures of the fiber network as well as the nonlinear properties of the fiber material.
Table 1 Research modeling scenarios
scenarios NO. | Model Name | Network connectivity (Z) | Non-Linear Material Properties (B) | Dimensionless bending rigidity ( | |||||||||
Z =2.4 | Z =3.4 | Z =4 | B=1 | B=0.2 | B=0.1 |
| |||||
1 | M1 | P |
| P |
| P |
| |||
2 | M2 | P |
| P |
| P |
| |||
3 | M3 | P |
| P |
| P | |||
4 | M4 | P |
| P |
| P |
| |||
5 | M5 | P |
| P |
| P |
| |||
6 | M6 | P |
| P |
| P | |||
7 | M7 | P |
| P | P |
| |||
8 | M8 | P |
| P |
| P |
| |||
9 | M9 | P |
| P |
| P | |||
10 | M10 |
| P |
| P |
| P |
| |||
11 | M11 |
| P |
| P |
| P |
| |||
12 | M12 |
| P |
| P |
| P | |||
13 | M13 |
| P |
| P |
| P |
| |||
14 | M14 |
| P |
| P |
| P |
| |||
15 | M15 |
| P |
| P |
| P | |||
16 | M6 |
| P |
| P | P |
| |||
17 | M17 |
| P |
| P |
| P |
| |||
18 | M18 |
| P |
| P |
| P | |||
19 | M19 |
| P | P |
| P |
| |||
20 | M20 |
| P | P |
| P |
| |||
21 | M21 |
| P | P |
| P | |||
22 | M22 |
| P |
| P |
| P |
| |||
23 | M23 |
| P |
| P |
| P |
| |||
24 | M24 |
| P |
| P |
| P | |||
25 | M25 |
| P |
| P | P |
| |||
26 | M26 |
| P |
| P |
| P |
| |||
27 | M27 |
| P |
| P |
| P |