The Journal of Advances in Computer Research is published quarterly by the Islamic Azad University-Sari Branch. Editorial board of the journal welcome contributors from all around the world to provides a forum for publication of significant advancements and developments in all areas of computer and information technology.
All submitted manuscripts, including conference papers, will be peer reviewed by qualified scholars assigned by the editorial board. The journal only accepts and publishes the original and high quality papers relevance to the journal's scope.
Manuscript Preparation
Manuscript should be in English. Submission of a manuscript indicates that it has neither been published nor been submitted for publication elsewhere and is result of research performed by the author(s). Appearance in a conference proceeding is not considered as a prior publication. The contributors are expected to consider the following notes:
- Manuscripts should be typewritten in a font size of at least 12 points, on one side of A4 paper, double-spaced, with adequate margins.
- A list of three to five keywords should be included at the foot of the abstract.
- References should be numbered in brackets and appeared in sequence through the text. List of references should be provided at the end of the paper.
- Figure captions are to be indicated under the illustrations. They should sufficiently explain the figures.
Manuscript Submission
The manuscript can be submitted electronically to the journal via its email at or the journal web site:
Page Charges
There is no page charge for publication in Journal of Advances in Computer Research.