Technical and Economic and Exergy Feasibility of Combined Production of Electricity and Hydrogen using Photovoltaic Energy
Subject Areas : Electrical Engineering
1 - Energy and Physics Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Ave., Tehran, Iran
Keywords: energy, Hydrogen, fuel cell, Photovoltaic system, Eexergy,
Abstract :
In the study of a villa residential unit with an area of 100(m2), first, the energies required for hot water consumption and power consumption of public equipment used are calculated. The cooling and heating load was then calculated using carrier software, and the required electrical power is calculated with the COP coefficient. The maximum cooling load required on February 6 at 16 hours is equal to 6250 (W), and the electrical power required by Photovoltaic panels are calculated according to the amount of radiation and consumption during operation and according to the service period of one year, which is equal to 7545 (W). PEM fuel cells are used as a source of energy storage, and the maximum energy stored for 4 hours is equal to 52.9 (kWh), and the maximum of 1.59 (kg) of hydrogen gas is produced during one day. According to the electricity cost, the global average of 0.14 (kW/h) will be achieved after 9.5 years.
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