Salt Stress and tolerance mechanisms by plants: A Review
Subject Areas : Stress Physiology
Ramamurthy Somasundaram
1 - Department of Botany, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608 002, Tamil Nadu, India
2 - Department of Botany, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608 002, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Salt stress, antioxidants, ROS, osmolytes, Organelle stress,
Abstract :
Saline stress has remained a hot and threatened topic towards population explosion due to shrinkage of agricultural land. Soil salinity being a natural process, is further worsening by anthropogenic activities. The result is decline in plant growth performance and crop productivity. In the present review we have discussed the negative impact of NaCl stress and its action in plants by enhancing ROS formation. Further, their quenching by various physiological and biochemical activities triggered by plants are also presented in the review. Because, sodium chloride represents a wide spread salt, responsible for plant stress. Moreover, increasing antioxidants, compatible solutes and ion homeostasis helps in tolerant as well as sensitive plants to overcome stress. But among different species range of tolerance persists over a specific time and depends upon genotype of species. Furthermore, besides the role of antioxidants and osmolytes, role of various organelles during stress is also discussed. In conclusion, understanding their mechanism at various levels may help to get plants with a range of tolerance at different growth stages, when subject to salt stress. So, increasing crop productivity might replenishes the need of food scarcity over population burst in future.
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