The Presentation of a Mathematical Model to Assess and Control the Inventory Control System through ABC Analysis Approach (A Case Study of Lino Meat Products Company)
Subject Areas : International Journal of Information, Security and Systems ManagementMohammad Reza Motadel 1 , Abbas Toloie Eshlagy 2 * , Sarvenaz Ghasemi 3
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Keywords: Inventory, Inventory management, ABC analysis, the regression model,
Abstract :
Today, the effective inventory management plays an importantrole in the success of the organizations in the newbusiness environment. It is not clearly possible for theorganizations that store hundreds of inventory items toeconomically design an inventory management policy foreach inventory item separately. Moreover, various inventoryitems may play quite different roles in the businessof the organization. Hence, the managers need to classifythese items in order to control each inventory categoryproperly based on its importance rating. This research iscomposed of the following sections: In the first section, thecriteria affecting the evaluation of the inventory controlsystem of the studied factory and the priority of each one of them will be identified, in the second section, the priorityof each criterion in each inventory category (A, B, C)is calculated using the analytical hierarchy process, in thethird section, a mathematical model will be presented toevaluate the inventory control system using the regression,in the fourth section, based on the categories defined forinventory items; the model sensitivity analysis is used todetermine the significance of each criterion for each inventorycategory.The overall result obtained from this study shows that byentering any new inventory to the inventory control systemof the studied factory, the inventory control managers will beable to determine the importance of each identified criteriaaffecting that inventory by using a presented mathematicalmodel, which will improve the inventory control system.