Uncertain BCC Data Envelopment Analysis Model with Belief Degree: A case study in Iranian Banks
Subject Areas : International Journal of Industrial Mathematics
محمد جمشیدی
مسعود صانعی
علی محمودی راد
قاسم توحیدی
فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی
1 - Department of Mathematics, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Mathematics, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran, Iran.
3 - Department of Mathematics, Masjed-Soleiman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
4 - Department of Mathematics, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran, Iran.
5 - Department of Mathematics, Science and Rsearch Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: BCC model, Iranian Banks, Data Envelopment Analysis, Belief degree, Uncertainty, uncertainty theory,
Abstract :
The BCC model is studied in this paper in an uncertain environment where uncertain inputs and outputs were belief degree-based uncertainty‚ useful for the cases for which no historical information of an uncertain event is available. As the solution method‚ the uncertain BCC model was converted to a crisp form using two approaches, separately. Finally, an applied example regarding the Iranian Banking system is presented to document the proposed models.
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