Abstract :
The concentration of three metals, zinc, copper and chromium in roots, rhizomes, stems and leaves of Phragmites australis (common reed) and Scirpus maritimus, and in the corresponding sediment and water samples from Lia industrial area (Qazvin, Iran) were investigated to determine difference in distribution among plant organs. Data were collected at during 1-year period. Results showed that metals concentrations in plant organs decreased in the order of roots › rhizomes › leaves ›stems. Concentration of Zn, Cu and Cr were enriched in roots and rhizomes of both plants in summer and autumn. Stem concentrations of metals in S. maritimus however, had no significant difference throughout 1-year period. In contrast, the metal contents of leaves were elevated in spring and autumn. Patterns of leaves and stem concentration of Zn, Cu and Cr were similar to S. maritimus leaves. [M. Ebrahimi et al. Accumulation and distribution of metals in Phragmites australis (common reed) and Scirpus maritimus (alkali bulrush) in contaminated soils of Lia industrial area. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology, 2011; 1(2):73-81].
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