A Review of Literature Perspective on the Role of Identity in English Language Learning
Subject Areas : Research in English Language PedagogyJamshid Mashhadi 1 , Mehran Memari 2 * , Amir Saki 3
1 - ELT Department, Ilam University, Ilam.Iran
2 - English Department, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Ahvaz Scientific and Applied University, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Psychological factors, Second Language Acquisition, Literature Review, Identity, Pedagogues,
Abstract :
Assuredly, learning a language other than the mother tongue is among the most complicated processes. It is a strikingly long-drawn-out experience that depends upon physical, mental, and emotional aspects. The second language trainees should change between their understanding of self as a person speaking the first language and awareness of themselves as second language learners and this pushes them to think of how they ‘identify’ themselves. No longer have pedagogues the mere role in the worldwide education medium. Among the latest factors being studied broadly around the globe is the notion of identity. In fact, it allows for how a person figure in his or her rapport to the world and makes sense of prospect for subsequent times. Identity points up how language constructed by a variety of relationships. Bodies of reports have been carried out undertaking the research methods referring to identity showing the role of identity in learning English. This paper undertakes an analysis of the review of the studies related to two fields of identity and language. The topics in the literature are discussed over the last decades. Finally, some implications are given on identity in SLA indicating how English language learning can be affected by identity.
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