The Role of Creative and Reflective Thinking in EFL Teachers’ Professional Ability
Subject Areas : Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching EnglishMehdi Abbasi 1 , Fatemeh Behjat 2 * , Mohammad Sadegh Bagheri 3
1 - Islamic Azad university of Shiraz
2 - Departmnet of English, Abadeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadeh, Iran.
3 - Department of English Language, Faculty of humanities, Shiraz branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran.
Keywords: Creative thinking, reflective thinking , professional ability , EFL teachers,
Abstract :
This study investigated the relationship between EFL teachers' creative thinking, reflective thinking, and their predictive ability regarding professional competence. A total of 120 Iranian EFL teachers from various language institutes in Shiraz participated in the study. Data were collected using three instruments: the Teachers' Professional Competence Questionnaire, the Reflective Thinking Questionnaire, and the Creativity Questionnaire. The results of the Pearson correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between EFL teachers’ professional ability and their reflective thinking. Furthermore, it was found that Iranian EFL teachers’ creative thinking is positively correlated with their professional ability. However, no significant difference was observed in the predictability of professional ability based on reflective thinking and creative teaching. These findings, alongside similar studies, can provide policymakers with a clearer understanding of the workload and expectations placed on teachers, aiding in the development of balanced and realistic educational policies.
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