The Effect of Three Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Word-part, Word-card and Context-clue on Iranian High School Students’ Immediate and Delayed English Vocabulary Learning and Retention
Subject Areas : آموزش زبان انگلیسیعباس ابراهیمیان 1 , نساء نبی فر 2 *
1 - Department of English, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Department of English, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: vocabulary learning, Vocabulary Retention, word-part strategy, word-card strategy, context-clue strategy,
Abstract :
The present study was an attempt to compare the effect of three VLSs, namely word-part strategy, word-card strategy and context-clue strategy on immediate and delayed English vocabulary retention of Iranian third grade high school students. To this end, 90 students, studying at three high schools in Tabriz, in three intact groups, were considered as the participants of the study. In order to ensure their homogeneity, the researchers administrated a Preliminary English Test (PET). Based on the results, 20 students in each class were selected as the participants of the study. These three intact classes were then randomly assigned to three experimental groups, each receiving one type of vocabulary learning strategy. Then, 60 words were given to the students as a pretest in order to sort out 40 unknown words to teach. At the end of the last session of the treatment, an immediate posttest and after four weeks a delayed posttest were given to each group, and then, their mean scores were compared through ANOVA. The analysis of the results revealed a significant difference in the efficacy of context-clue strategy in contrast to both word-part strategy and word-card strategy in the delayed posttest. The findings of the present study can have important implications for EFL teachers and learners.
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