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        1 -            
        آرش کریمی
        #&$&’ (&)& *#+%$      ! "#63&&  &5 #&&234%&,&  -,$  .# " چکیده کامل
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        2 -      SSME      AHP!  -*+ * $, ''()&#$%  "
        دکترمهرداد علیپور حسین بدیعی سیدمحمدعلی میرکاظمی
        %’()* +!&      !"#$%’SME’ !"’#"5 6+2 ,-./*$01/*23*4.2"’# ’ چکیده کامل
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        3 -                    )$%& ' ( #! "
        دکتر مهرداد گودرزوند چگینی ثمین یوسفی
         $!"%#  !"      $- $ ".$  +$ /$ 0+,* 1 &'(  %)* + , ,$7 " $$78$%9$ $$ چکیده کامل
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        4 -            (! " #$% & '$       
        دکتررضا رادفر
          !"#$ %&’()*(+,-!$/!!012 &%)2 -((1 (03/#45.6%$".( ?!00$3/89 5(2.(:/3/#45.%!;<()=(.(2>7!5(#- چکیده کامل
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        5 -             !    " !#$"% &'$() *() #+ ,& (-$ 2(/!( ,$0! $*1$.
        دکترحسن رنگریز نصیر کرمی
        $ !"#     %&’()*+’,%- ./0 & 1%213&6 !;#<=>,8&$ 456+78& چکیده کامل
        $ !"#     %&’()*+’,%- ./0 & 1%213&6 !;#<=>,8&$ 456+78&%9 /:%&?.8&1<=>,/A$B6A6/?" @&?1& :F3A%G% +6 % ?DEE)4 -C ); " !  5)I9 6+J2+>,  ?  $H+K?+ %-:L$H %:;   1N-L1O3&$ %-;  9’(M,>,@= P /:%&%&)*+’, .6 %-6B1O3&K?/6/1$&6 M,(# 5 QN& 1,&  A,  51I%:1-&$3  ! " #$ :   &'()*$"%  پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        6 - ANP         TOPSIS .),-**) , **)  +)) ( !'!&&"#$$%! !
        دکتربهمن حاجی پور دکترمنصور مومنی زهرا قاسمی
          $%&’ TOPSIS  ANP# !"   .+8)9’):76-145 1421$310-/ !-. *+,-())B$&  چکیده کامل
          $%&’ TOPSIS  ANP# !"   .+8)9’):76-145 1421$310-/ !-. *+,-())B$&  *@A :    *-   #-<?-  2<36)=>;- 1  2*:;60! 0!2*)0;)G$ >$6*FECD87 -2 JMCI- B +E 2 J CLCI?- H; B +E )G &$ >$ 6 *F G- 7B 6 *9# 4J RAIL46F JHRAIAK)-F2JMICI$B +ECD8<361$)/*01)6>$2)-G$- $M.E#*64)? 376P ANP: .+8 *0N O LAD-PN@ 7$6*9#*K)5% +BG)5J DSI0! JHRAIAK)-<362 TOPSIS:   Super Decisions09 EB$& Q7)6      پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        7 - Sellectted Mullttiinattiional l Entterpriises:: An Assessmentt iin Phiilliippiine
        دکتر علیرضا حبیبی
        IntroductionMany of today’s major corporations got started by coming out with righttime in a rapidly growing market. Many of their past decisions were madewithout benefit of formal strategic thinking and planning. Management isrecognizing that intuition alone is n چکیده کامل
        IntroductionMany of today’s major corporations got started by coming out with righttime in a rapidly growing market. Many of their past decisions were madewithout benefit of formal strategic thinking and planning. Management isrecognizing that intuition alone is no longer enough for succeeding intoday’s environment. The company should have a definite and specificpurpose or mission. However, having a purpose is not enough.(Ames,)The purpose should also provide the employees with a shared sense ofopportunity, direction, significance and achievement. Kotler () stressedthat the statement of purpose should be specific as to the domain in whichthe organization will operate. The business domain may be classified asproduct class, technological field, customer group, market need, or acombination of the same. Thus, companies have traditionally defined theirbusiness domain in product terms as” we are a chemical processingcompany.” after the mission or purpose has been identified and established,they must be in turn translated into a set of specific objectives and goals thatwill support the realization of the purpose. The objectives indicate specificspheres of aim, activity and accomplishment. When the purpose andobjectives have been clarified, the company be then knows where it wants togo. The question is how best to get there. The company needs a “granddesign” for achieving its objectives. That is called strategy. Strategy involvesthe choice of major directions for pursuing objectives and the allocation ofsupporting resources. Kotler () pointed out that “strategy is thecompany’s concept of how to win the war. It would not be confused withtactics which are derived activities designed to win bottles.”In order to beexcellent and successful, a company needs growth strategy. It needs to selectfrom a whole set of possible investment directions those that are mostlylikely to produce the desired growth. Marketing strategy, according to پرونده مقاله