• فهرست مقالات profit forecasting

      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        1 - Information Asymmetry with Emphasis on the Role of Financial and Managerial Criteria Based on Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks
        Mohammad Amir  Golshani Mehrdad Ghanbari Babak Jamshidi Navid Forouzan  Mohammadi Yarijani
        This paper addresses the absence of a suitable criterion for measuring information asymmetry between managers forecasting earnings and analysts forecasting earnings through statistical methods. Besides, this paper aims to provide a model of information asymmetry, emphas چکیده کامل
        This paper addresses the absence of a suitable criterion for measuring information asymmetry between managers forecasting earnings and analysts forecasting earnings through statistical methods. Besides, this paper aims to provide a model of information asymmetry, emphasizing the role of financial and managerial criteria. This is applied qualitative and quantitative research (mixed method). The library method is used to prepare and formulate theoretical bases. In addition, the field method is used for collecting data to measure and identify indices and modeling. Factor analysis was used to analyze the data, following identifying the dimensions and variables of financial and managerial criteria of information symmetry to eliminate extraneous factors and classify. The following five main dimensions were determined, including corporate profit forecast, corporate governance, capital market, capital return, and management characteristics of the company. Then, the modeling was done using fuzzy mathematics through triangular numbers, Mamdani implication, and center of gravity methods. The final results of the study of the company listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange show that the level of information symmetry in the range of zero to 100 equals 55.1, to predict the company's profit is 48.54; corporate governance is 56.95; the capital market is 1/59; capital return is 61.07, and managerial characteristics of the company are 67.84. Finally, we examined the factors affecting the information asymmetry obtained from fuzzy neural networks. The findings show a higher prediction accuracy of fuzzy neural network methods than other related prediction methods. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        2 - Investigate the Economic Consequences to the Timing of Earnings News Forecast for Accepted Corporates in Tehran Securities Exchange
        Asghar Karimi Khorami Alireza Zareie Sodani Saeed Ali Ahmadi
        Corporate managers can share information about the financial status and corporate future perspective with stockholders in different ways. In recent years, the corporate program for maximizing the appropriate reaction of Securities Exchange to corporate position performa چکیده کامل
        Corporate managers can share information about the financial status and corporate future perspective with stockholders in different ways. In recent years, the corporate program for maximizing the appropriate reaction of Securities Exchange to corporate position performance and minimizing the inappropriate reaction to their negative performance has been considered by analysts and accounting researchers. In this research we use the multivariate regression model to test the hypotheses and our statistical population is Tehran stock Exchange corporate. After sampling, 64 corporates have been selected during 2014to 2018. And to test hypotheses Multivariate regression has been used According to the results obtained Managers change timing to hide The bad news is that they are using the stock market after hours after the stock market Managers while have made less use of the weekend and busy days to hide bad news The results also show that companies have used time changes to highlight good news rather than hide bad news So to investors and other users It is advisable to pay attention to the time changes of the forecast profit, to make a more correct decision. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        3 - رابطه بین پیش‌بینی اجباری سودو تعدیل پیش‌بینی با اقلام تعهدی غیرعادی
        علیرضا رحیمی عارف فروغی مجید آزادی ششده
        چکیدهسود خالص و تعدیلات آن از باارزش‌ترین اطلاعات مورد استفادهسرمایه‌گذاراناست. این مقالهبه دنبال پاسخ به این سوال است که آیا شرایط شرکت (ابهام یا ناتوانی در درک اطلاعات اقتصادی) بر رابطه بین خطای پیش‌بینی و تعدیل پیش‌بینی سود توسط مدیریت اثر گذار است یا خیر؟بدین منظور چکیده کامل
        چکیدهسود خالص و تعدیلات آن از باارزش‌ترین اطلاعات مورد استفادهسرمایه‌گذاراناست. این مقالهبه دنبال پاسخ به این سوال است که آیا شرایط شرکت (ابهام یا ناتوانی در درک اطلاعات اقتصادی) بر رابطه بین خطای پیش‌بینی و تعدیل پیش‌بینی سود توسط مدیریت اثر گذار است یا خیر؟بدین منظور ابتدا رابطه بین اقلام تعهدیغیرعادی و جمع اقلام تعهدی و خطا و تعدیل پیش‌بینی سود، آزمون و سپس تاثیر ابهام و ناتوانی شرکتی در درک اطلاعات اقتصادی بر رابطه فوق مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. به منظور آزمون فرضیه‌های پژوهش از رگرسیون چند متغیره بهره گرفته شده است. نمونه مورد مطالعه شامل91 شرکت پذیرفته شده در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران می‌باشد. یافته‌های پژوهش بیانگر این است که بین اقلام تعهدی سرمایه درگردش و اقلام تعهدی غیرعادی سرمایه در گردش باخطای پیش‌بینی سود توسط مدیریت رابطه مستقیم وجود دارد،اما بین اقلام تعهدی سرمایه در گردش و اقلام تعهدی غیرعادی سرمایه در گردش باتعدیل پیش‌بینی رابطه معکوس وجود دارد. همچنین ناتوانی در درک اطلاعات اقتصادی این رابطه را تقویت می‌کند در حالی که شرایط ابهام بر رابطه مذکور اثر گذار نمی‌باشد. پرونده مقاله