Call for Paper: Special Issue on Photonic Devices
Call for Paper: Special Issue on Photonic Devices
Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication Devices (MJTD) is published Quarterly with the purpose of publication of original and significant contributions.
In this issue original contributions are welcomed which relate advances, or state-of-the-art capabilities in Lightwave communication systems and subsystems; the theory, design, applications, fabrication, performance and characterization of: Lasers and optical devices;; Nanophotonics; Nonlinear Optics; Optical Based Measurements; Optical Fiber and waveguide technologies; Optical Imaging; Optical Materials; Optical Signal Processing; Photonic crystals; AI based photonic and any other related topics.
We follow open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers will be able to freely access the journal online without the need for a subscription. Also the journal is free of charge.
Important dates:
Submission Deadline: April 10
First Round of Review: June 10
Final Decision: June 30
Publication: September 1
Submit online through journal website:
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