بررسی رابطه میان کارآفرینی سازمانی و ویژگیهای سازمان یادگیرنده
محورهای موضوعی : مدیریت بازرگانی
حسنعلی آقاجانی
حسین صمدی میارکلائی
حمزه صمدی میارکلائی
1 - دانشیار گروه مدیریت صنعتی، دانشکده علوم اقتصادی و اداری، دانشگاه مازندران، بابلسر، ایران.
2 - کارشناس ارشدمدیریت دولتی، باشگاه پژوهشگران جوان، قائمشهر، ایران
3 - دانشجوی دکتری مدیریت، دانشگاه آزاد واحد علوم و تحقیقات، تهران، ایران.
کلید واژه: کارآفرینی سازمانی, سازمان یادگیرنده, بانکهای خصوصی, مدل معادلاتساختاری,
چکیده مقاله :
کارآفرینی اندیشه و فرآیند ایجاد و توسعة فعالیت اقتصادی از طریق ترکیب ریسک پذیری، خلاقیت و یا نوآوری با یک مدیریت بی نقص در یک سازمان موجود و یا یک سازمان جدید است. یکی از عوامل مؤثر و قوی بر کارآفرینی سازمانی، میزان یادگیرندگی در سازمان می باشد. هدف از پژوهش حاضر، بررسی رابطه میان ویژگی های سازمان یادگیرنده و کارآفرینی سازمانی در بانک های خصوصی غرب استان مازندران می باشد. جامعه آماری این تحقیق، 600 نفر از کارکنان بانک های خصوصی غرب استان مازندران می باشند، که 224 نفر به عنوان نمونه انتخاب، برای جمع آوری داده ها از پرسشنامه استفاده شده، و تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها به وسیله نرم افزارهای SPSS و LISREL[1] انجام شده است. یافته ها نشان داده است که رابطه بین یادگیرند گی سازمان و کارآفرینی سازمانی مثبت و معنیدار است. هم چنین این ارتباط مثبت و معنی دار میان ابعاد سازمان یادگیرنده و کارآفرینی نیز یافت شد. کارآفرینان همگام با تغییرات گام برمیدارند و میکوشند فرصت های ایجادشده در جریان این تغییرات را کشف و از آن ها بهرهبرداری کنند. همگامی با تغییرات، مستلزم بستر فرهنگی مناسب و وجود سطح بالایی از یادگیرندگی سازمانی و فردی است، که به تغییر ارج می نهد و از آن استقبال می کند. [1]. Linear Structural RELations (LISREL).
Entrepreneurship is the thought and process of the creation and development of economic activities through the ability to blend risk taking, creativity, and/or innovation with sound management within an existing organization or a new enterprise. One of the effective and strong factors influencing organizational entrepreneurship is the rate of organizational learning. The main purpose of the present research is to investigate the relationship between learning organization’s features and organizational entrepreneurship within the private banks of the west of Mazandaran province. The statistical population of the study includes 600 staff members of the private banks of the west of Mazandaran Province, from among whom 224 were selected as the research sample. The data were collected through the use of a questionnaire. Data analysis was done by SPSS and LISREL softwares. Results showed that the relationship between organizational learning and organizational entrepreneurship is positive and significant. Also, a positive and significant relationship was found between the dimensions of learning organization and organizational entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs keep pace with changes and attempt to discover and benefit from the opportunities created in the process of these changes. Moving along with changes calls for an appropriate cultural context and the existence of a higher level of individual and organizational learning that values and welcomes change.
- Agha Hosseinali, M., Taheri, H., & Ghanvati, A. (2011). The Relationship Between Organization Transformation Subsystem in a Leading Organization with Organizational Intelligence in Khuzestan Telecommunication Company. Quarterly Productivity Management (Beyond Management), 18, 7-24, (In Persian).
- Armstrong, A., & Foley, P. (2003). Foundating for a Learning Organization: Organization Learning Mechanisms. The Learning Organization, 10(2).
- Bagozzi, R. P., & Heatherton, T. (1994). A General Approach to Representing Multifaceted Personality Constructs: Application to State Self-Esteem. Struct Equ Model, 1(1), 35-67.
- Bollen, K. (1989). Structural Equations with Latent Variables. New York: Wiley.
- Baumgartner, H., & Homburg, C. (1996). Applications of Structural Equation Modeling in Marketing and Consumer Research: A Review, Int. J. Res. Mark, 13, 139-161.
- Conca, F. J. (2004). Development of a Measure to Assess Quality Management in Certified Firms. European Journal of Operational Research, 156, 683-697.
- Cronbach, L. J. (1951). Coefficient Alpha and the Iinternal Structure of Test. Psychometrica, 16, 297-334.
- Churchill, G. A. (1979). A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs. Journal of Marketing Research, 16, 64-73.
- Collie, S. L. (2002). The Learning Organization and Teaching Improvement in Academic Departments. University of Virginia.
- Chang, S. C., & Lee, M. (2007). A Study on Relation among Leadership, Organizational Culture, the Operation of Learning Organization and Employee's Job Satisfaction. The Learning Organization, 14(2).
- Cote, R. J. (2001). Structural Equation Modeling-Improving Model Fit by Correlating Errors. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 10, 87–88.
- Darroch, J., & McNaugton, R. (2002). Examining the Link between Knowledge Management Practices and Types of Innovation. Intellect Cap, 3, 210-22.
- Diamantopoulos, A. J. (2000). Siguaw, Introducing Lisrel London: Dillon.
- Echoles, A., & Neck, C. (1998). The Impact of behavior and Structure on Corporate Entrepreneurship. Journal of Manaerial Psychology, 38-46.
- Fani, A. A., Babashahi, J., Afkhami, M., & Ebrahimi, M.. (2012). Enhancement of Entrepreneurship; Analysis of the Role of GLOBE Cultural Model Indicators, Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 125-144, (In Persian).
- Gibb, A. (2002). In Pursuit of a New Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Paradigm for Learning: Creative Destruction, New Values, New Ways of Doing Things and New Combinations of Knowledge. International Journal of Management Reviews, 4(3), 233-269.
- Gibb, A. (2002). Creating Conducive Environments For Learning and Entrepreneurship. Published in Industry and Higher Education, 135-147.
- Gibb, A. A., & Hannon, P. (2006). Towards the Entrepreneurial University?. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 4, 73-110.
- Gibb, A. A. (2005). Towards the Entrepreneurial University. Entrepreneurship Education as a Lever for Change. National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship (NCGE). Retrieved at: www.ncge.org.uk.
- Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. C. (1998). Multivariate data analysis. Prentice Hall International Inc.
- Hosseyni Nasab, S. D., Khadivi, A. A., & Musazadeh, A. (2010). The Examination of Relationship Between Learning Organization and Entrepreneurship Attitudes of Payame Noor University Students at Naghde Unit during the period of 2009-2010, Education Journal, 29-46, (In Persian).
- Hung Chen, C. (2004). A Study of the Relationship between the Learning Organization and Principal Leadership Styles in Taiwan, UMI Proquest Digital Dissertation. University of Massachusetts Lowell.
- Hult, G. M. T., & Ferrell, O. C. (1997). Global Learning Organization Structure and Market Information Processing. Journal of Business Research, 40, 155–166.
- Hsieny, L. (2004). A Study of Learning Organization and Faculty Development in Higher Education UMI Proquest Digital Dissertation. University of Isaho.
- Keat, O. Y., Selvarajah, C., & Meyer, D. (2011). Inclination Towards Entrepreneurship among University Students: An Empirical Study of Malaysian University Students. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(4), 220-206.
- Kuratko, D. F. (2003). Entrepreneurship Education: Emerging Trends and Challenges for the 21ST Century. 1-40.
- Kuratko, D. F. & Hodgetts, R. M. (2004). Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice. Mason: South-Western Publishers).
- Kiedrowski, P. J. (2006). Quantitative Assessment of a Senge Learning Organization Intervention. The Learning Organization. 13(4), 369-383.
- Lerners, M., & Haber, S. (2000). Performance Factors of Small Tourism Ventures: The Interface of Tourism, Entrepreneurship and the Environment. Journal of Business Venturing, 16, 77-100.
- Massingham, P., & Diment, K. (2002). Organizational Committee, Knowledge Management Interventions, and Learning Organization Capacity. The Learning Organization, 16(2).
- Marquardt, M. J. (2002). Building the Learning Organization. Davies-Black: Palo Alto.
- Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Sychometric Theory. New York: McGraw-Hil.
- Moghimi, S. M. (2005). Entrepreneurship in Government Organization, Tehran: Faraandish, (In Persian).
- Ortenblad, A. (2001). On Differences between Organizational Learning And Learning Organization. The Learning Organization, 8(3), 125-133.
- Obino Mokaya, S. (2012). Corporate Entrepreneurship and Organizational Performance: Theoretical Perspectives, Approaches and Outcomes. International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 1(4), 133-143.
- Peterson, R. A. (1994). A Meta-Analysis of Chronbach,s Coefficient Alpha. Journal of Consumer Research, 21, 381-391.
- Ping R. A. (2004). On Assuring Valid Measures for Theoretical Models Using Survey data. J. Bus. Res, 57, 125–141.
- Rahnavard, F. A. (1999). Organisational Learning and Learning Organization Quarterly Journal Public Administration, 43,(In Persian).
- Rahnavard, F. A., & Zarepour, F. A. (2008). The Examination of relationship between learner organization and learner culture (case study), Iranian journal of management sciences, 59-76, (In Persian).
- Robbins, S. P. (2007). Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
- Raiden, A. B., & Dainty, A. J. (2006). Human Resource Development in Construction Organizations. The Learning Organization, 13(1).
- Robelo, T., Manuela, G., & Adelino, D. (2008). Organizational and the Learning Organization. The Learning Organization, 15(4).
- Smith, P. (2008). Guest Editorial-the Learning Organization Turns 15: A Retrospective. The Learning Organization, 15(6).
- Sharman, C. (2005). Leadership and the Learning Organization UMI. Proquest Digital Dissertation State University of New York: Empire State College.
- Sange, P. (2007). The Fifth Command. Translation by: K., Hedayat, & M., Roshan, Tehran: Industrial Management Institute, (In Persian).
- Sobhani Nezhad, M., Shahabi, B., & Puzbashi, A. R. (2006). Learning Organization in Tehran. Tehran: Yasteron, (In Persian).
- Thornberry, N. E. (2003). Corporate Entrepreneurship: Teaching Managers to be Entrepreneurs. Journal of Management Development, 22(4), 329-44.
- Van De Ven, A., & Ferry, D. (1979), Measuring and Assessing Organizations. New York: John Wiley.
- Vieira, A. L. (2011). Interactive LISREL in Practice Getting Started with a SIMPLIS Approach. University of Aveiro.
- Wagner, J., & Sternberg, R. (2004). Start-up Activities, Individual Characteristics, and the Regional Milieu: Lessons for Entrepreneurship Support Policies from German Micro data. The Annals of Regional Science, 38, 219-240.
- Yang, B., Karen, E. W., & Victoria, J. M. (2004). The Construct of The Learning Organization: Dimensions, Measurement, and Validation. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 15(1), 31-55.
- Zampetakis, L. A., & Moustakis, V. (2010). An Exploratory Research on the Factors Stimulating Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Greek Public Sector. International Journal of Manpower. 31(8), 871-887.
- Agha Hosseinali, M., Taheri, H., & Ghanvati, A. (2011). The Relationship Between Organization Transformation Subsystem in a Leading Organization with Organizational Intelligence in Khuzestan Telecommunication Company. Quarterly Productivity Management (Beyond Management), 18, 7-24, (In Persian).
- Armstrong, A., & Foley, P. (2003). Foundating for a Learning Organization: Organization Learning Mechanisms. The Learning Organization, 10(2).
- Bagozzi, R. P., & Heatherton, T. (1994). A General Approach to Representing Multifaceted Personality Constructs: Application to State Self-Esteem. Struct Equ Model, 1(1), 35-67.
- Bollen, K. (1989). Structural Equations with Latent Variables. New York: Wiley.
- Baumgartner, H., & Homburg, C. (1996). Applications of Structural Equation Modeling in Marketing and Consumer Research: A Review, Int. J. Res. Mark, 13, 139-161.
- Conca, F. J. (2004). Development of a Measure to Assess Quality Management in Certified Firms. European Journal of Operational Research, 156, 683-697.
- Cronbach, L. J. (1951). Coefficient Alpha and the Iinternal Structure of Test. Psychometrica, 16, 297-334.
- Churchill, G. A. (1979). A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs. Journal of Marketing Research, 16, 64-73.
- Collie, S. L. (2002). The Learning Organization and Teaching Improvement in Academic Departments. University of Virginia.
- Chang, S. C., & Lee, M. (2007). A Study on Relation among Leadership, Organizational Culture, the Operation of Learning Organization and Employee's Job Satisfaction. The Learning Organization, 14(2).
- Cote, R. J. (2001). Structural Equation Modeling-Improving Model Fit by Correlating Errors. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 10, 87–88.
- Darroch, J., & McNaugton, R. (2002). Examining the Link between Knowledge Management Practices and Types of Innovation. Intellect Cap, 3, 210-22.
- Diamantopoulos, A. J. (2000). Siguaw, Introducing Lisrel London: Dillon.
- Echoles, A., & Neck, C. (1998). The Impact of behavior and Structure on Corporate Entrepreneurship. Journal of Manaerial Psychology, 38-46.
- Fani, A. A., Babashahi, J., Afkhami, M., & Ebrahimi, M.. (2012). Enhancement of Entrepreneurship; Analysis of the Role of GLOBE Cultural Model Indicators, Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 125-144, (In Persian).
- Gibb, A. (2002). In Pursuit of a New Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Paradigm for Learning: Creative Destruction, New Values, New Ways of Doing Things and New Combinations of Knowledge. International Journal of Management Reviews, 4(3), 233-269.
- Gibb, A. (2002). Creating Conducive Environments For Learning and Entrepreneurship. Published in Industry and Higher Education, 135-147.
- Gibb, A. A., & Hannon, P. (2006). Towards the Entrepreneurial University?. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 4, 73-110.
- Gibb, A. A. (2005). Towards the Entrepreneurial University. Entrepreneurship Education as a Lever for Change. National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship (NCGE). Retrieved at: www.ncge.org.uk.
- Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. C. (1998). Multivariate data analysis. Prentice Hall International Inc.
- Hosseyni Nasab, S. D., Khadivi, A. A., & Musazadeh, A. (2010). The Examination of Relationship Between Learning Organization and Entrepreneurship Attitudes of Payame Noor University Students at Naghde Unit during the period of 2009-2010, Education Journal, 29-46, (In Persian).
- Hung Chen, C. (2004). A Study of the Relationship between the Learning Organization and Principal Leadership Styles in Taiwan, UMI Proquest Digital Dissertation. University of Massachusetts Lowell.
- Hult, G. M. T., & Ferrell, O. C. (1997). Global Learning Organization Structure and Market Information Processing. Journal of Business Research, 40, 155–166.
- Hsieny, L. (2004). A Study of Learning Organization and Faculty Development in Higher Education UMI Proquest Digital Dissertation. University of Isaho.
- Keat, O. Y., Selvarajah, C., & Meyer, D. (2011). Inclination Towards Entrepreneurship among University Students: An Empirical Study of Malaysian University Students. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(4), 220-206.
- Kuratko, D. F. (2003). Entrepreneurship Education: Emerging Trends and Challenges for the 21ST Century. 1-40.
- Kuratko, D. F. & Hodgetts, R. M. (2004). Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice. Mason: South-Western Publishers).
- Kiedrowski, P. J. (2006). Quantitative Assessment of a Senge Learning Organization Intervention. The Learning Organization. 13(4), 369-383.
- Lerners, M., & Haber, S. (2000). Performance Factors of Small Tourism Ventures: The Interface of Tourism, Entrepreneurship and the Environment. Journal of Business Venturing, 16, 77-100.
- Massingham, P., & Diment, K. (2002). Organizational Committee, Knowledge Management Interventions, and Learning Organization Capacity. The Learning Organization, 16(2).
- Marquardt, M. J. (2002). Building the Learning Organization. Davies-Black: Palo Alto.
- Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Sychometric Theory. New York: McGraw-Hil.
- Moghimi, S. M. (2005). Entrepreneurship in Government Organization, Tehran: Faraandish, (In Persian).
- Ortenblad, A. (2001). On Differences between Organizational Learning And Learning Organization. The Learning Organization, 8(3), 125-133.
- Obino Mokaya, S. (2012). Corporate Entrepreneurship and Organizational Performance: Theoretical Perspectives, Approaches and Outcomes. International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 1(4), 133-143.
- Peterson, R. A. (1994). A Meta-Analysis of Chronbach,s Coefficient Alpha. Journal of Consumer Research, 21, 381-391.
- Ping R. A. (2004). On Assuring Valid Measures for Theoretical Models Using Survey data. J. Bus. Res, 57, 125–141.
- Rahnavard, F. A. (1999). Organisational Learning and Learning Organization Quarterly Journal Public Administration, 43,(In Persian).
- Rahnavard, F. A., & Zarepour, F. A. (2008). The Examination of relationship between learner organization and learner culture (case study), Iranian journal of management sciences, 59-76, (In Persian).
- Robbins, S. P. (2007). Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
- Raiden, A. B., & Dainty, A. J. (2006). Human Resource Development in Construction Organizations. The Learning Organization, 13(1).
- Robelo, T., Manuela, G., & Adelino, D. (2008). Organizational and the Learning Organization. The Learning Organization, 15(4).
- Smith, P. (2008). Guest Editorial-the Learning Organization Turns 15: A Retrospective. The Learning Organization, 15(6).
- Sharman, C. (2005). Leadership and the Learning Organization UMI. Proquest Digital Dissertation State University of New York: Empire State College.
- Sange, P. (2007). The Fifth Command. Translation by: K., Hedayat, & M., Roshan, Tehran: Industrial Management Institute, (In Persian).
- Sobhani Nezhad, M., Shahabi, B., & Puzbashi, A. R. (2006). Learning Organization in Tehran. Tehran: Yasteron, (In Persian).
- Thornberry, N. E. (2003). Corporate Entrepreneurship: Teaching Managers to be Entrepreneurs. Journal of Management Development, 22(4), 329-44.
- Van De Ven, A., & Ferry, D. (1979), Measuring and Assessing Organizations. New York: John Wiley.
- Vieira, A. L. (2011). Interactive LISREL in Practice Getting Started with a SIMPLIS Approach. University of Aveiro.
- Wagner, J., & Sternberg, R. (2004). Start-up Activities, Individual Characteristics, and the Regional Milieu: Lessons for Entrepreneurship Support Policies from German Micro data. The Annals of Regional Science, 38, 219-240.
- Yang, B., Karen, E. W., & Victoria, J. M. (2004). The Construct of The Learning Organization: Dimensions, Measurement, and Validation. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 15(1), 31-55.
- Zampetakis, L. A., & Moustakis, V. (2010). An Exploratory Research on the Factors Stimulating Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Greek Public Sector. International Journal of Manpower. 31(8), 871-887.