
  • حسینی.سیدمحمدعلی Synthesis of Polypyrrole/CeO2 Nanocomposite and its Application for Improving the Corrosion Protection of Acrylic Waterborne Coating on Mild Steel [ دوره12, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2016]


  • خیراللهی.سعید A competitive Diels-Alder/1, 3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of1-H-imidazole 3-oxide toward sulfonyl methane. A DFT study on the energetic and regioselectivity [ دوره12, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2016]


  • نوروزی.مهناز A Survey of Direct Methods for Solving Variational Problems [ دوره12, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2015]