
  • احمدی زر.فردین A new mathematical model for the closed-loop supply chains considering pricing for product, a fleet of heterogeneous vehicles, and inventory costs [ دوره10, شماره 21 - بهار سال 2017]


  • بشیری.مهدی Green Vehicle Routing Problem with Safety and Social Concerns [ دوره10, شماره 21 - بهار سال 2017]


  • پایدار.محمد مهدی An integrated model of cellular manufacturing and supplier selection considering product quality [ دوره10, شماره 22 - پاییز سال 2017]
  • پیله وری.نازنین Agile Supplier Selection In Sanitation Supply Chain Using Fuzzy VIKOR Method [ دوره10, شماره 21 - بهار سال 2017]


  • حافظ الکتب.اشکان A Three-Echelon Multi-Objective Multi-Period Multi-Product Supply Chain Network Design Problem: A Goal Programming Approach [ دوره10, شماره 21 - بهار سال 2017]


  • ستاک.مصطفی The Bi-Objective Location-Routing Problem based on Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery with Soft Time Window [ دوره10, شماره 22 - پاییز سال 2017]


  • شکورلو.علی A Fuzzy Goal Programming Model for Efficient Portfolio Selection. [ دوره10, شماره 22 - پاییز سال 2017]
  • شهریاری.محمدرضا Agile Supplier Selection In Sanitation Supply Chain Using Fuzzy VIKOR Method [ دوره10, شماره 21 - بهار سال 2017]


  • صادقیان.رامین A new mathematical model for the closed-loop supply chains considering pricing for product, a fleet of heterogeneous vehicles, and inventory costs [ دوره10, شماره 21 - بهار سال 2017]


  • علی نژاد.علیرضا A Fuzzy Goal Programming Model for Efficient Portfolio Selection. [ دوره10, شماره 22 - پاییز سال 2017]


  • فائزی رازی.فرشاد A Hybrid Grey based Two Steps Clustering and Firefly Algorithm for Portfolio Selection [ دوره10, شماره 22 - پاییز سال 2017]


  • قدوسی.محمد Optimizing a bi-objective preemptive multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem: NSGA-II and MOICA algorithms [ دوره10, شماره 21 - بهار سال 2017]


  • کاظمی.ابوالفضل A Fuzzy Goal Programming Model for Efficient Portfolio Selection. [ دوره10, شماره 22 - پاییز سال 2017]


  • موسوی.سید میثم An Assessment Method for Project Cash Flow under Interval-Valued Fuzzy Environment [ دوره10, شماره 22 - پاییز سال 2017]
  • مهدوی.ایرج An integrated model of cellular manufacturing and supplier selection considering product quality [ دوره10, شماره 22 - پاییز سال 2017]


  • نخعی کمال آبادی.عیسی A new mathematical model for the closed-loop supply chains considering pricing for product, a fleet of heterogeneous vehicles, and inventory costs [ دوره10, شماره 21 - بهار سال 2017]


  • وحدانی.بهنام An Assessment Method for Project Cash Flow under Interval-Valued Fuzzy Environment [ دوره10, شماره 22 - پاییز سال 2017]


  • یزدانی.مهدی Modeling and scheduling no-idle hybrid flow shop problems [ دوره10, شماره 21 - بهار سال 2017]