
  • بنایی.مهدی The effects of hydro-alcohol extract of follower of marshmallow (Althaea officinalis L.) on some biochemical and hematological parameters in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) [ دوره6, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2015]


  • حجت الاسلامی.محمد بررسی اثر خشک کردن بر استخراج اینولین از کاسنی ریشه ای (Cichuriumintybus L.) [ دوره6, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2015]
  • حجت الاسلامی.محمد Study of qualitative characteristics of saffron cultivated in different regions of Iran [ دوره6, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2016]


  • خلیلی صدرآباد.الهام Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Achillea wilhelmsii C.Koch essential oil against selected bacterial and fungal pathogens of fish [ دوره6, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2015]


  • رفیعی راد.مریم The effect of Kardeh (Biarum Bovei) Hydro-alcoholic extract on pain threshold in STZ induced diabetic rats [ دوره6, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2015]
  • رنجی.عادل Evaluation of two methods of manual and mechanized harvesting Echium Amoenum L. and determine the most appropriate method of harvesting [ دوره6, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2015]
  • روحی.لیلا Effect of Hydro-alcoholic Extract of Punica Granatum L. Peel on Ethylene Glycol-Induced Kidney Calculi in Wistar Rats [ دوره6, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2015]
  • روحی.لیلا Dose-dependent effects of Gundelia Tournefortii root extract on meiosis resumption and in vitro maturation in mouse immature oocytes [ دوره6, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2015]


  • صفری.رضا Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Achillea wilhelmsii C.Koch essential oil against selected bacterial and fungal pathogens of fish [ دوره6, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2015]


  • طلازاده.فروغ The effects of Thyme extrac (Thymus vulgaris) on systemic antibody responses against Influenza and Newcastle disease vaccine in broiler chickens [ دوره6, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2015]


  • عادل.میلاد Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Achillea wilhelmsii C.Koch essential oil against selected bacterial and fungal pathogens of fish [ دوره6, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2015]
  • عطائی کچوئی.زهرا The effect of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Berberies vulgaris on multidrug- resistant gram-negative pathogenic bacteria [ دوره6, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2016]



  • ملک پور.فاطمه An overview on genus Thymus [ دوره6, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2015]
  • ملک پور.فاطمه Effects of Jasmonic acid on essential oil yield and chemical compositions of two Iranian landraces of basil (Ocimum basilicum) under reduced irrigation [ دوره6, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2015]


  • وکیلی.حمیده بررسی اثر خشک کردن بر استخراج اینولین از کاسنی ریشه ای (Cichuriumintybus L.) [ دوره6, شماره 3 - تابستان سال 2015]
  • وهابی.محمدرضا Chemical compositions of the essential oil of Gundelia tournefortii L. (Asteraceae) from Central Zagros, Iran [ دوره6, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2016]