
  • اخلی.محمد Determinants of Opportunity Recognition in the Pattern of Agricultural Tech Startups in Northern Provinces of Iran [ دوره9, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2019]


  • حسینی.سید محمد رضا Determinants of Opportunity Recognition in the Pattern of Agricultural Tech Startups in Northern Provinces of Iran [ دوره9, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2019]


  • دهیوری.سحر A Survey on the Comparison between Precision and Traditional Agriculture by Budgeting Method [ دوره9, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2019]
  • دهیوری.سحر Structural Model of Job Satisfaction in Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) Staff Based on Herzberg Motivational Theory [ دوره9, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2019]


  • رشیدپور.لقمان Identifying Effective Solutions in the Field of Environmental Protection (case study Naghadeh Township) [ دوره9, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2019]


  • زند.آزیتا A Survey on the Comparison between Precision and Traditional Agriculture by Budgeting Method [ دوره9, شماره 1 - زمستان سال 2019]
  • زند.آزیتا Structural Model of Job Satisfaction in Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) Staff Based on Herzberg Motivational Theory [ دوره9, شماره 4 - پاییز سال 2019]


  • شریف زاده.محمد شریف Determinants of Opportunity Recognition in the Pattern of Agricultural Tech Startups in Northern Provinces of Iran [ دوره9, شماره 2 - بهار سال 2019]