
  • تقوایی یزدی.مریم The Effect of the Idea of Education Content Knowledge on the Planning and Development of Faculty Members in Farhangian University, Region 2 of the Country [ دوره1, شماره 1 - پاییز سال 1399]
  • تقوایی.مریم The Effect of the Idea of Education Content Knowledge on the Planning and Development of Faculty Members in Farhangian University, Region 2 of the Country [ دوره1, شماره 1 - پاییز سال 1399]


  • سعادتی.ابوطالب Examining the Philosophical Foundations of the Model of Teaching Gifted Students in Finland and Presenting the Model [ دوره1, شماره 1 - پاییز سال 1399]
  • سیف نراقی.مریم Designing Desirable Curriculum Goals Based on the Components of Entrepreneurship in Elementary Schools: The Viewpoint of Teachers and Experts [ دوره1, شماره 1 - پاییز سال 1399]


  • شاه طالبی.بدری Identifying the Components of Competitive Intelligence in Order to Provide a Curriculum Program [ دوره1, شماره 1 - پاییز سال 1399]


  • صالحی.محمد Identifying and Ranking the Dimensions of Resonant Leadership with the Curriculum Planning Approach in Schools of Education of Mazandaran Province [ دوره1, شماره 1 - پاییز سال 1399]


  • طالبی.بهنام The Mother Tongue Teaching as a Multicultural Category: Impacts and Consequences (A Synthesis Study) [ دوره1, شماره 1 - پاییز سال 1399]


  • فرحبخش.سعید Assessing Faculty Members’ Curriculum Orientations: A Case Study of University of Kurdistan [ دوره1, شماره 1 - پاییز سال 1399]


  • قادری.مصطفی The Mother Tongue Teaching as a Multicultural Category: Impacts and Consequences (A Synthesis Study) [ دوره1, شماره 1 - پاییز سال 1399]