اثر کودهای گوگردی در تشدید یا تعدیل تاثیرات تنش زای کود NPK بر گیاه زینتی-دارویی Euphorbia tirucalli L. در شرایط کشت گلدانی
محورهای موضوعی : ژنتیک
راحله فرنیا
آرین ساطعی
مهدی عبادی
مازیار احمدی گلسفیدی
1 - گروه زیستشناسی، واحد گرگان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، گرگان، ایران،
2 - گروه زیستشناسی، واحد گرگان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، گرگان، ایران،
3 - گروه شیمی، واحد گرگان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، گرگان، ایران
4 - گروه شیمی، واحد گرگان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، گرگان، ایران
کلید واژه: پروتئین, رشد, کلروفیل, پتاسیم, فسفر, تنش, افوربیا تیروکالی, کود گوگردی, کود NPK,
چکیده مقاله :
پژوهش حاضر به بررسی اثر کود گوگردی بر گیاه افوربیا تیروکالی در شرایط کشت گلدانی می پردازد. گیاهان تحت ۱۰ تیمار NPK همراه با کودهای گوگردی (گرانوله و یا بنتونیت دار، واجد یا فاقد تیوباسیلوس و نیز سولفات آمونیوم هر یک در دو غلظت) و یک تیمار NPK فاقد گوگرد، در قیاس با شاهد در بلوکهای کامل تصادفی به مدت ۴ ماه قرار گرفتند. پارامترهای رشد شامل وزن خشک و تر گیاه، ریشه، اندام هوایی و نسبت وزن تر یا خشک ریشه به کل گیاه و همچنین، محتوای پروتئین، کلروفیل، پتاسیم، فسفر و گوگرد در ریشه و یا اندام هوایی اندازه گیری شدند. کود NPK جذب فسفر و پتاسیم را افزایش نداد ولی رشد ریشه را کاهش داد. افزودن انواع کود گوگردی به جز گوگرد بنتونیت دار با غلظت ۰/۸ گرم در هر ۸۰cm2 خاک همراه با کود مایع تجاری تیوباسیلوس با غلظت ۲۵۰ میلی لیتر در لیتر تاثیری بر بهبود اثرات منفی NPK نداشت و حتی در بیشتر تیمارها، کاهش وزن خشک و وزن تر اندام هوایی را موجب شد. سولفات آمونیوم بیشترین تأثیر منفی را بر پارامترهای رشد نشان داد. همچنین برخی تیمارهای گوگرد اثر مثبت بر افزایش میزان پروتئین اندام هوایی داشتند. میزان کلروفیل a، b و کل بین تیمارها اختلاف معنی داری نشان نداد. اثر کود گوگرد بر pH خاک متفاوت بود و غلظت بالاتر کود گوگرد گرانوله واجد تیوباسیلوس افت شدیدتری را موجب شد. هیچیک از تیمارهای گوگرد موجب افزایش فسفر اندام هوایی نشد و حتی برخی تیمارها بر محتوای فسفر ریشه و نیز محتوای پتاسیم ریشه و اندام هوایی اثر منفی داشتند، تنها در تیمار کود گوگردی گرانوله با تیوباسیلوس در غلظت پایینتر، مقدار پتاسیم ریشه نسبت به شاهد و دیگر تیمارها افزایش داشت. اثرات منفی کودهای گوگرد ناشی از افزایش جذب گوگرد، نبود زیرا تغییرات محتوای گوگرد بین تیمارها، اختلاف معنی داری نداشت.
The present study investigates the effect of sulfur fertilizer on Euphorbia tirucalli L. in pot culture conditions. Plants were cultivated under 10 NPK treatments with sulfur fertilizers (granular or bentonite, with or without thiobacillus and ammonium sulfate each in two concentrations) and one NPK treatment without sulfur, compared with the control in randomized complete blocks for 4 months. Growth parameters including dry and fresh weight of plants, roots, shoots and the ratio of fresh or dry weight of roots to plants as well as protein, chlorophyll, potassium, phosphorus and sulfur content in roots or shoots were measured. NPK fertilizer did not increase phosphorus and potassium uptake but decreased root growth. Addition of sulfur fertilizers except for bentonite sulfur with a concentration of 0.8 g per 80 cm2 of soil with Thiobacillus commercial liquid fertilizer, 250 ml / l, had no effect on recovering the negative effects of NPK and even in most treatments, shoot dry weight and fresh weight decreased. Ammonium sulfate showed the most negative effect on growth parameters. Also, some sulfur treatments had a positive effect on increasing the amount of shoot protein. Chlorophyll a, b and total levels did not show a significant difference between treatments. The effect of sulfur fertilizer on soil pH was different and higher concentration of granular sulfur fertilizer containing Thiobacillus caused a more severe drop. None of the sulfur treatments increased the phosphorus of the shoot and even some treatments had a negative effect on the phosphorus content of the roots as well as the potassium content of the roots and shoots. Only in the treatment of granular sulfur fertilizer with Thiobacillus at lower concentrations, root potassium content increased. Negative effects of sulfur fertilizers were not due to increased sulfur uptake, because the sulfur content changes between treatments were not significantly different.
Abdallah, M., Dubousset, L., Meuriot, F., Etienne, P., Avice, J.C. and Ourry, A. (2010). Effect of mineral sulphur availability on nitrogen and sulphur uptake and remobilization during the vegetative growth of Brassica napus L. Journal of Experimental Botany. 61(10): 2635-2646.
Ahmad, A., Khan, I., Anjum, N.A. Diva, I., Abdin, M.Z. and Iqbal, M. (2005). Effect of timing of sulfur fertilizer application on growth and yield of rapeseed. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 28: 1049-1059.
Brasileiro, B.G., Pizziolo, V.R., Raslan, D.S., Jamal, C.M. and Silveira, D. (2006). Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities screening of some Brazilian medicinal plants used in Governador Valadares district. Revista Brasileira de Cieˆncias Farmaceˆuticas. 42: 195-202.
Chaghazardi, H.R., Mohammadi, G.R. and Beheshti Ale-Agha, A. (2013). Effects of different amounts of sulfur and manure on soil acidity and plant traits of corn hybrid KSC 704. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 11(1): 162-170.
Chotchutima, S., Tudsri, S., Kangvansaichol, K. and Sripichitt, P. (2016). Effects of sulfur and phosphorus application on the growth, biomass yield and fuel properties of leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit.) as bioenergy crop on sandy infertile soil. Agriculture and Natural Resources. 50(1): 54-59.
Emami, A. (1996). Methods of plant analysis. Iranian Journal of Soil & Water Research Institute. 982: 128-128.
Ghaderi, J., Malakouti, M.J., Khavazi, K., and Davoudi, M.H. (2017). Determination of the element Sulphur on the performance and some quality characteristics of common wheat (Triticum astivum L.). Crop Physiology Journal. 33: 69-84.
Hassan, A. (2012). Effects of mineral nutrients on physiological and biological processes related to secondary metabolites production in medicinal herbs. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology. 6: 105-110.
Hoel, B.O. (2011). Effects of sulphur application on grain yield and quality, and assessment of sulphur status in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Acta Agri. Scand. B-S P 61: 499-507.
Hrivna, L., Kotkova, B. and Buresova, I. (2015). Effect of Sulphur Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Wheat Grain. Cereal Research Communications. 43(2): 344-352.
Klikocka, H., Cybulska, M., Barczak, B., Narolski, B., Szostak, B., Nowak, A. and Wojik, E. (2016). The effect of sulphur and nitrogen fertilization on grain yield and technological quality of spring wheat. Plant Soil Environ. (62)5: 230-236.
Klikocka, H. and Marksm M. (2018). Sulphur and Nitrogen Fertilization as a Potential Means of Agronomic Biofortification to Improve the Content and Uptake of Microelements in Spring Wheat Grain DM. Journal of Chemistry, 2018: 9326820.
Lowry, O.H., Rosenbrough, N.J. Farr, A.L. and Randall, R.J. (1951). Protein measurement with the folin fenol reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 193: 265–275.
Mishra, S., Alfeld, M., Sobotka, R., Andresen, E., Falkenberg, G., and Küpper, H. (2016). Analysis of sublethal arsenic toxicity to Ceratophyllum demersum: subcellular distribution of arsenic and inhibition of chlorophyll biosynthesis. J. Exp. Bot. 67, 4639-4646.
Mohammadi, K., Pasari, B., Rokhzadi, A., Gholavand, A., Aghalikhani, M. and Eskandari, M. (2011). Response of grain yield and canola quality to different resources of farmyard manure, compost and biofertilizers in Kurdistan region. Journal of Crop Production. 4(2): 82-101.
Momen, A., Pazoki, A. and Momayezi, M.R. (2011). Effects of granular sulfur (bentonitic) and compost on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of bam wheat in Semnan Region. Crop Physiology Journal. 3(9): 31-46.
Mousavi Nik, M. (2012). Effect of drought stress and sulphur fertilizer on quantity and quality yield of psyllium (Plantago ovata L.) in Baluchestan. Journal of Agroecology. 4(2): 170-182.
Nasreen, S., and Imamul Huq, S.M. (2002). Effect of sulphur fertilizer on yield and nutrient uptake of sunflower crop in an albaquept soil. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 5: 533-536.
Nguyen, T.D., Cavagnaro, T.R. and Watts-William, S.J. (2019). The effects of soil phosphorus and zinc availability on plant responses to mycorrhizal fungi: a physiological and molecular assessment. Scientific Reports, 9:14880.
Novozamsky, I., and van Eck, R. (1977). Total sulphur determination in plant material. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 286: 367-368.
Page, A.L., Miller, R.H. and Keeney, D.R. (1987). Methods of soil analysis, part 2 chemical and microbiological properties. SSSA, ASA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Porra R.J., Thompson W.A. and Kriedemann P.E. (1989). Determinationof accurate extinction coefficients and simultaneous equationsfor assaying chlorophyllsaandbextracted with four differentsolvents: verification of the concentration of chlorophyll stand-ards by atomic absorption spectrometry. Biochim Biophys Acta975: 384–394
Rahuman, A., Gopalakrishnan, G., Venkatesan, P. and Geetha, K. (2008). Larvicidal activity of some Euphorbiaceae plant extracts against Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae). Parasitology Research. 102: 867–873.
Randall, P.J. and Wrigley, C.W. (1986). Effects of the sulphur supply on the yield, composition and quality of grain from cereals, oilseed and legumes. In: Pomeranz, Y. (ed.), Advances in Cereal Science and Technology. Vol. VIII. AACC, St. Paul, MN, USA, 171-187.
Saha, S., Saha, M., Saha, A.R., Mitra, S., Kumar Sarkar, S., Kumar Ghorai, A. and Kumar Tripathi, M. (2013). Interaction effect of potassium and sulfur fertilization on productivity and mineral nutrition of sunnhemp. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 36: 1191–1200.
Silva Santana, S., Gennari-Cardoso, M.L., Carvalho, F.C., Roque-Barreira, M.C. da Silva Santiago, A., Cerqueira Alvim, F. and Pirovani, C.P. (2014). Eutirucallin, a RIP-2 Type Lectin from the Latex of Euphorbia tirucalli L. Presents Proinflammatory Properties. PLOS ONE. 9(2): e88422.
Singh, V.P., Srivastava, P.K. and Prasad, S.M. (2013). Nitric oxide alleviates arsenic–induced toxic effects in ridged Luffa seedlings. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 71, 155-163.
Singh, R., Parihar, P. and Prasad, Sh.M. (2018). Sulfur and Calcium Simultaneously Regulate Photosynthetic Performance and Nitrogen Metabolism Status in As-Challenged Brassica juncea L. Seedlings. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9: 772.
Souza, M.A., Amancio-Pereira, F., Cardoso, C.R.B., Silva, A.G.d., Silva, E.G., Andrade, L.R., Pena, J.D.O., Lanza, H. and Afonso-Cardoso, S.R. (2005). Isolation and partial characterization of a D-galactose-binding lectin from the latex of Synadenium carinatum. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. 48: 705-716.
Stoeva, N., Berova, M., Vassilev, A. and Zlatev, Z. (2005). Effect of arsenic on some physiological parameters in bean plants. Biol. Planta. 49: 293-296.
Zhao F.J., Salmon S.E., Withers P.J.A., Evans E.J., Monaghan J.M., Shewry P.R. and McGrath S.P. (1999). Responses of breadmaking quality to sulphur in three wheat varieties. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 79: 1865-1874.
_||_Abdallah, M., Dubousset, L., Meuriot, F., Etienne, P., Avice, J.C. and Ourry, A. (2010). Effect of mineral sulphur availability on nitrogen and sulphur uptake and remobilization during the vegetative growth of Brassica napus L. Journal of Experimental Botany. 61(10): 2635-2646.
Ahmad, A., Khan, I., Anjum, N.A. Diva, I., Abdin, M.Z. and Iqbal, M. (2005). Effect of timing of sulfur fertilizer application on growth and yield of rapeseed. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 28: 1049-1059.
Brasileiro, B.G., Pizziolo, V.R., Raslan, D.S., Jamal, C.M. and Silveira, D. (2006). Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities screening of some Brazilian medicinal plants used in Governador Valadares district. Revista Brasileira de Cieˆncias Farmaceˆuticas. 42: 195-202.
Chaghazardi, H.R., Mohammadi, G.R. and Beheshti Ale-Agha, A. (2013). Effects of different amounts of sulfur and manure on soil acidity and plant traits of corn hybrid KSC 704. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 11(1): 162-170.
Chotchutima, S., Tudsri, S., Kangvansaichol, K. and Sripichitt, P. (2016). Effects of sulfur and phosphorus application on the growth, biomass yield and fuel properties of leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit.) as bioenergy crop on sandy infertile soil. Agriculture and Natural Resources. 50(1): 54-59.
Emami, A. (1996). Methods of plant analysis. Iranian Journal of Soil & Water Research Institute. 982: 128-128.
Ghaderi, J., Malakouti, M.J., Khavazi, K., and Davoudi, M.H. (2017). Determination of the element Sulphur on the performance and some quality characteristics of common wheat (Triticum astivum L.). Crop Physiology Journal. 33: 69-84.
Hassan, A. (2012). Effects of mineral nutrients on physiological and biological processes related to secondary metabolites production in medicinal herbs. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology. 6: 105-110.
Hoel, B.O. (2011). Effects of sulphur application on grain yield and quality, and assessment of sulphur status in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Acta Agri. Scand. B-S P 61: 499-507.
Hrivna, L., Kotkova, B. and Buresova, I. (2015). Effect of Sulphur Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Wheat Grain. Cereal Research Communications. 43(2): 344-352.
Klikocka, H., Cybulska, M., Barczak, B., Narolski, B., Szostak, B., Nowak, A. and Wojik, E. (2016). The effect of sulphur and nitrogen fertilization on grain yield and technological quality of spring wheat. Plant Soil Environ. (62)5: 230-236.
Klikocka, H. and Marksm M. (2018). Sulphur and Nitrogen Fertilization as a Potential Means of Agronomic Biofortification to Improve the Content and Uptake of Microelements in Spring Wheat Grain DM. Journal of Chemistry, 2018: 9326820.
Lowry, O.H., Rosenbrough, N.J. Farr, A.L. and Randall, R.J. (1951). Protein measurement with the folin fenol reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 193: 265–275.
Mishra, S., Alfeld, M., Sobotka, R., Andresen, E., Falkenberg, G., and Küpper, H. (2016). Analysis of sublethal arsenic toxicity to Ceratophyllum demersum: subcellular distribution of arsenic and inhibition of chlorophyll biosynthesis. J. Exp. Bot. 67, 4639-4646.
Mohammadi, K., Pasari, B., Rokhzadi, A., Gholavand, A., Aghalikhani, M. and Eskandari, M. (2011). Response of grain yield and canola quality to different resources of farmyard manure, compost and biofertilizers in Kurdistan region. Journal of Crop Production. 4(2): 82-101.
Momen, A., Pazoki, A. and Momayezi, M.R. (2011). Effects of granular sulfur (bentonitic) and compost on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of bam wheat in Semnan Region. Crop Physiology Journal. 3(9): 31-46.
Mousavi Nik, M. (2012). Effect of drought stress and sulphur fertilizer on quantity and quality yield of psyllium (Plantago ovata L.) in Baluchestan. Journal of Agroecology. 4(2): 170-182.
Nasreen, S., and Imamul Huq, S.M. (2002). Effect of sulphur fertilizer on yield and nutrient uptake of sunflower crop in an albaquept soil. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 5: 533-536.
Nguyen, T.D., Cavagnaro, T.R. and Watts-William, S.J. (2019). The effects of soil phosphorus and zinc availability on plant responses to mycorrhizal fungi: a physiological and molecular assessment. Scientific Reports, 9:14880.
Novozamsky, I., and van Eck, R. (1977). Total sulphur determination in plant material. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 286: 367-368.
Page, A.L., Miller, R.H. and Keeney, D.R. (1987). Methods of soil analysis, part 2 chemical and microbiological properties. SSSA, ASA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Porra R.J., Thompson W.A. and Kriedemann P.E. (1989). Determinationof accurate extinction coefficients and simultaneous equationsfor assaying chlorophyllsaandbextracted with four differentsolvents: verification of the concentration of chlorophyll stand-ards by atomic absorption spectrometry. Biochim Biophys Acta975: 384–394
Rahuman, A., Gopalakrishnan, G., Venkatesan, P. and Geetha, K. (2008). Larvicidal activity of some Euphorbiaceae plant extracts against Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae). Parasitology Research. 102: 867–873.
Randall, P.J. and Wrigley, C.W. (1986). Effects of the sulphur supply on the yield, composition and quality of grain from cereals, oilseed and legumes. In: Pomeranz, Y. (ed.), Advances in Cereal Science and Technology. Vol. VIII. AACC, St. Paul, MN, USA, 171-187.
Saha, S., Saha, M., Saha, A.R., Mitra, S., Kumar Sarkar, S., Kumar Ghorai, A. and Kumar Tripathi, M. (2013). Interaction effect of potassium and sulfur fertilization on productivity and mineral nutrition of sunnhemp. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 36: 1191–1200.
Silva Santana, S., Gennari-Cardoso, M.L., Carvalho, F.C., Roque-Barreira, M.C. da Silva Santiago, A., Cerqueira Alvim, F. and Pirovani, C.P. (2014). Eutirucallin, a RIP-2 Type Lectin from the Latex of Euphorbia tirucalli L. Presents Proinflammatory Properties. PLOS ONE. 9(2): e88422.
Singh, V.P., Srivastava, P.K. and Prasad, S.M. (2013). Nitric oxide alleviates arsenic–induced toxic effects in ridged Luffa seedlings. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 71, 155-163.
Singh, R., Parihar, P. and Prasad, Sh.M. (2018). Sulfur and Calcium Simultaneously Regulate Photosynthetic Performance and Nitrogen Metabolism Status in As-Challenged Brassica juncea L. Seedlings. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9: 772.
Souza, M.A., Amancio-Pereira, F., Cardoso, C.R.B., Silva, A.G.d., Silva, E.G., Andrade, L.R., Pena, J.D.O., Lanza, H. and Afonso-Cardoso, S.R. (2005). Isolation and partial characterization of a D-galactose-binding lectin from the latex of Synadenium carinatum. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. 48: 705-716.
Stoeva, N., Berova, M., Vassilev, A. and Zlatev, Z. (2005). Effect of arsenic on some physiological parameters in bean plants. Biol. Planta. 49: 293-296.
Zhao F.J., Salmon S.E., Withers P.J.A., Evans E.J., Monaghan J.M., Shewry P.R. and McGrath S.P. (1999). Responses of breadmaking quality to sulphur in three wheat varieties. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 79: 1865-1874.