A Sociological Analyses of the Effect of Family on Drug Addiction in Noushahr and Chalous
محورهای موضوعی :
1 - K.Khazaee and S.J. Mortazavi.
کلید واژه: Addiction, Educational settings, Social regulations, Social institutions and Family,
چکیده مقاله :
This research studies the effect of family, and other social institutions on the attitudes of the youth of Noushahr and Chalous in drug addiction. A Sample of 1200 boys and girls were randomly chosen through a quessionare (Alpha %84) the data (gathered and the results) show that there is a significant difference among young addicted persons specially including their attitudes towards family, peer groups, education and trust to any other social institutions. Mass media has no significant impact on the attitude. Those sample population were strongly affected by life surroundings and small communities involved in family, living settings, educational settings and other organizations play an important role in drug usage among young ones. But at macro level analysis drug users and nonusers have similar attitudes to social institutions.
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