Work-related stress and psychosocial problems among shift workers: a case study on pakistan railway Lahore, pakistan
محورهای موضوعی : Design of Experiment
Saadia Talib
Shahzad Ali
1 - Superior University, LahoreUniversiti Utara Malaysia
2 - Superior University, LahoreUniversiti Utara Malaysia
کلید واژه: Shift workers, Work-Related Stress, Psychosocial Problems, Pakistan Railway,
چکیده مقاله :
The primary objective is to address the psychosocial problems and occupational stress of Pakistani shift workers who feel insecure in their community. This study found that shift workers, particularly night shift workers, have psychosocial issues and are stressed. To achieve the research objective, 300 sample sizes are selected from the Pakistan railway using a cross-sectional research design, with shift workers and genders categorizing the sample size. The dyadic adjustment scale, depression anxiety, and stress, as well as demographic variables, are used to examine the significant outcome. The result revealed that night shift workers experience anxiety and stress, as well as psychosocial issues. Additionally, multiple regression analysis indicated that socio economic indicator significantly predictors of anxiety, stress, and depression of shift worker. This study contributes to literature of psychological issues, anxiety, and depression of shift worker of railway, and helps the authorities and policies maker to provide the effective and efficient policy for the wellbeing of workers. In Addition, in order to improve the performance of shift workers, the Pakistani railway hospital implemented various management strategies for depressed workers.
The primary objective is to address the psychosocial problems and occupational stress of Pakistani shift workers who feel insecure in their community. This study found that shift workers, particularly night shift workers, have psychosocial issues and are stressed. To achieve the research objective, 300 sample sizes are selected from the Pakistan railway using a cross-sectional research design, with shift workers and genders categorizing the sample size. The dyadic adjustment scale, depression anxiety, and stress, as well as demographic variables, are used to examine the significant outcome. The result revealed that night shift workers experience anxiety and stress, as well as psychosocial issues. Additionally, multiple regression analysis indicated that socio economic indicator significantly predictors of anxiety, stress, and depression of shift worker. This study contributes to literature of psychological issues, anxiety, and depression of shift worker of railway, and helps the authorities and policies maker to provide the effective and efficient policy for the wellbeing of workers. In Addition, in order to improve the performance of shift workers, the Pakistani railway hospital implemented various management strategies for depressed workers.
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