Evaluating Land Use Change Detection Methods in Damavand City Using Remote Sensing
محورهای موضوعی : فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی سنجش از دور راداری و نوری و سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیاییFatah Hasan family 1 , Zahra Azizi 2
1 - msc student, Department of RS-GIS
Faculty of Environment and Energy
Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University
Tehran, IRAN
2 - Science and Research Branch, Daneshgah Blvd, Simon Bulivar Blvd, Tehran
کلید واژه: Landsat, Damavand, Land Use Change Detection, Band Ratio Method,
چکیده مقاله :
Land-use change has significant impacts on environmental and natural resources, including water quality, air and terrestrial resources, ecosystem processes and functions, and climate systems. Therefore, accurate and timely detection of land-use changes is crucial for understanding the interactions between humans and natural phenomena and managing natural resources effectively. This study aimed to monitor land-use changes in Damavand city using remote sensing techniques. Two Landsat 5 and 8 satellite images from 1996 and 2018 were used after applying radiometric and atmospheric corrections. Four methods, including band differentiation, band ratio, principal component analysis, and post-classification image detection were employed to detect land-use changes. The results showed that man-made areas increased by 7288 hectares due to construction activities in agricultural fields, leading to a reduction of 4047 hectares of agricultural lands. Additionally, 10324 hectares of rich rangeland cover were transformed into poor pastures. The principal component analysis method using band 3 and the band difference method using band 5 effectively detected the changes in the region; however, the band ratio method did not perform well. The findings of this study can help policymakers make informed decisions about land use planning in Damavand city.
Land-use change has significant impacts on environmental and natural resources, including water quality, air and terrestrial resources, ecosystem processes and functions, and climate systems. Therefore, accurate and timely detection of land-use changes is crucial for understanding the interactions between humans and natural phenomena and managing natural resources effectively. This study aimed to monitor land-use changes in Damavand city using remote sensing techniques. Two Landsat 5 and 8 satellite images from 1996 and 2018 were used after applying radiometric and atmospheric corrections. Four methods, including band differentiation, band ratio, principal component analysis, and post-classification image detection were employed to detect land-use changes. The results showed that man-made areas increased by 7288 hectares due to construction activities in agricultural fields, leading to a reduction of 4047 hectares of agricultural lands. Additionally, 10324 hectares of rich rangeland cover were transformed into poor pastures. The principal component analysis method using band 3 and the band difference method using band 5 effectively detected the changes in the region; however, the band ratio method did not perform well. The findings of this study can help policymakers make informed decisions about land use planning in Damavand city.
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