A Conceptual Model for Evaluation the Impact Factors Affecting Organizational Performance in Supply Chain
محورهای موضوعی : Business Strategy
Ali Ehsani
Hassan Mehrmanesh
1 - Department of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
کلید واژه: Innovation capability, structural equation modeling, Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage, Technology Capability,
چکیده مقاله :
In today's competitive world, competition from the level of companies is drawn to the competition between their supply chain. The purpose of this study was to design and validate a suitable model for identifying and ranking effective factors and key indicators related to the performance of the organization in the supply chain of Saipa Company. The research method is objective and applied in terms of method, descriptive and correlation. The research tool was in the qualitative section, interview and in the quantitative section, a questionnaire. Data analysis in the qualitative section was used to identify the dimensions of the variables with the help of the industry's elite and through the analysis of the fuzzy Delphi, which ultimately resulted in 179 components in four factors: "Technology Capability", "Innovation Capability", "Competitive Advantage" and "Organizational Performance" is identified. Fuzzy hierarchy analysis was used to rank the identified factors. In the quantitative section, structural equations were used to fit the model. In this regard, after reviewing theoretical literature and drawing up the original model, the research questionnaire was distributed along with the dimensions of 350 experts and managers of the Saipa group and supply chain. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by factor load method, Cronbach's Alpha and composite reliability coefficient (CR) and its validity was confirmed by convergent validity (AVE) and divergent validity. To evaluate the structural model, three coefficients of determination (R2), index (Q2) and statistics (GOF) have been used. The dimensions of each of the variables and the prioritization of the dimensions of the variables were determined. The results were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Software (SPLS) and the relationship between the factors was obtained and the proposed model was confirmed using factor analysis and structural equation modeling techniques. According to the results of the verifiable analysis of this research model, it was found that the performance of the organization depends on the dimensions of "Innovation Capability", "Technology Capability" and "Competitive Advantage" in the supply chain, and has a positive and significant effect.
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