A Combination of FSAW and DOE Method with an Application to Tehran Stock Exchange
محورهای موضوعی : Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and its Application in Financial Management
Salameh Barbat
Mahnaz Barkhordariahmadi
Vahid Momenaei Kermani
1 - Department of Mathematics, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Department of Mathematics, Bandar Abbas Branch Branch,Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas, Iran
3 - Department of Mathematics, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
کلید واژه: Stock Portfolio Optimization, Experimental design, Fuzzy SAW, analysis of variance, Multi-Criteria Decision Making,
چکیده مقاله :
stock market is considered as the most profitable and valuable areas of investment in any country. In this regard, high return depends on the correct choice of stock portfolio.That’s why today different methods of mathematical planning and decision-making have been proposed to solve such problems. Aiming to present a new method, the study designates 10 criteria for selecting the best stock portfolio options among the 21 most viewed options in the stock market. The method is a combination of fuzzy SAW and experimental design (2k factorial design). Analysis of variance results for the response variable is calculated . The value of R2 obtained from the response variable of 70% value, shows that this model has selected suitable options by removing ineffective criteria and analysing the results and discovering the relationships between criteria and ranking the criteria and presenting simpler solutions in addition to high accuracy. As a result, by considering and comparing the real values of the stock market in one-month and quarterly intervals, the model presents more capabilities for providing accurate ranking and higher portfolio returns than fuzzy TOPSIS in the capital and stock markets. The response surface method and the regression equation obtained in the proposed method are used to rank the options. In addition, Pareto method, which ranks the criteria based on the effectiveness of the criteria in the final result and regard to the surfaces of experiments and weights of capital market and stock market experts, is used for ranking the factors (criteria).
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