Host-Guest Attitudes toward Socio-Cultural Carrying Capacity of Urban Tourism in Chalus, Mazandaran
محورهای موضوعی : Geography and tourism planning, geography and urban planning, urban planning, architecture, geography and rural planning, political geography
Seyyed Mohammad Mirtaghian Rudsari
Najmeh Gharibi
1 - Lecturer in Faculty of Cultural Heritage, Handicraft and Tourism, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran
2 - M.A. in Tourism Development Planning, Independent Researcher
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چکیده مقاله :
Cities have plentiful of tourism attraction and they always attract many tourists. Therefore, sustainable urban tourism development and its wise management require planning. In this research, the most important goal is to assess and enhance Chalus tourism carrying capacity toward sustainable development of urban tourism. This survey is a developing kind and its method is quantitative and analytical. In this survey, Chalus city has been selected not only because of having many attractions and its importance in national and international levels but also because of its multiple roles. The time domain has been 2016. The results show that caring capacity and tourism quality of the city is much more than what is now although, tourism facilities and infrastructure of the destination is still in the progress and negative socio - cultural effects of the destination is gradually perceived by the tourists and number of tourists is more than capacity. Totally, it can be concluded that Due to the volume of tourists being more than physical capacity of tourism in this destination, local community have felt negative sense of tourism impact on cultural and social dimensions. On the other hand, the quality of the tourism experience in Chalus is declining and only natural attractions of this city is attracting tourists to the destination and proper facilities tourism could not have played appropriate role in this regard.
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