Performance Evaluation Criteria for Nigerian Government Buildings: A Case Study of Kwara State Secretariat Buildings
محورهای موضوعی : Architecture
Oladapo Makinde
Olugbenga ALABI
Olubukunmi MAKINDE
1 - Department of Architecture, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho, Oyo State, Nigeria
2 - Department of Architecture, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso
3 - Department of Architecture, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso
4 - Department of Estate Management, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo, Osun State.
کلید واژه: Design Guide, Secretariat Buildings, Performance Criteria, Post Occupancy Evaluation,
چکیده مقاله :
State secretariat buildings need improvement in performance, functional efficiency, ventilation, and daylighting. There is a need to conduct a post-occupation evaluation (POE) to investigate users' satisfaction with the building. This study examined the conditions of facilities provided in the building and the users' requirements to guide the secretariat building design. The study obtained data from both primary and secondary sources. Four buildings occupied by the Ministries of Works, Water Resources, Communication, and Energy, with sixty offices each, were randomly selected. Selected 105 buildings representing 10% of the staff in the buildings chosen were set for questionnaire administration. Data obtained were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages. The condition of facilities provided in the different spaces shows that the adequacy of the storage facility (CFI=2.71), natural daylighting in offices (CFI=2.87), environmental landscape (CF=2.84), and proximity to parking space (CFI=2.71) was in good condition. The result for Functional Performance in the Ministries of Water Resources (POEI=3.60) is the highest among all four ministries. For technical performance, the Ministries of Works and Water Resources were rated highest (POEI=3.46). Similarly, for Behavioural Performance, the Ministry of Communication was rated highest (POEI=3.35). The POEI for each building shows that Ministries of Water Resources rated the highest (POEI=3.38) while Works rated the least (POEI=3.22). The study concluded that users are moderately satisfied with the building; however, there is a need to provide additional facilities, including elevators, stores, and parking spaces, to complement the existing ones.
State secretariat buildings need improvement in performance, functional efficiency, ventilation, and daylighting. There is a need to conduct a post-occupation evaluation (POE) to investigate users' satisfaction with the building. This study examined the conditions of facilities provided in the building and the users' requirements to guide the secretariat building design. The study obtained data from both primary and secondary sources. Four buildings occupied by the Ministries of Works, Water Resources, Communication, and Energy, with sixty offices each, were randomly selected. Selected 105 buildings representing 10% of the staff in the buildings chosen were set for questionnaire administration. Data obtained were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages. The condition of facilities provided in the different spaces shows that the adequacy of the storage facility (CFI=2.71), natural daylighting in offices (CFI=2.87), environmental landscape (CF=2.84), and proximity to parking space (CFI=2.71) was in good condition. The result for Functional Performance in the Ministries of Water Resources (POEI=3.60) is the highest among all four ministries. For technical performance, the Ministries of Works and Water Resources were rated highest (POEI=3.46). Similarly, for Behavioural Performance, the Ministry of Communication was rated highest (POEI=3.35). The POEI for each building shows that Ministries of Water Resources rated the highest (POEI=3.38) while Works rated the least (POEI=3.22). The study concluded that users are moderately satisfied with the building; however, there is a need to provide additional facilities, including elevators, stores, and parking spaces, to complement the existing ones.
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