Urban Acupuncture as an Alternative Approach to Identification and Prioritization Public Spaces (Case Study: Pamenar Neighborhood in Tehran)
محورهای موضوعی : Urban Design
Marzieh Manouchehri
Mojtaba Rafieian
1 - M. A. in Urban Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
کلید واژه: participative planning, urban acupuncture, PUBLIC SPACES, deteriorated urban neighborhoods, Pamenar neighborhood of Tehran,
چکیده مقاله :
Urban spaces are the heart of any city. These spaces play a crucial role in improving citizens' quality of life, welfare, and mental health. In recent decades, there have been growing concerns among urban experts over the widespread disregard for public spaces due to the dominance of capitalism and changes in citizens' lifestyles due to their crucial needs being ignored. Despite the considerable efforts to develop urban spaces in Iranian cities, there are still huge gaps between proposed plans and implementation processes. Due to limited resources and execution mechanisms, it is necessary to identify such spaces based on real-world needs and prioritize them in the implementation phase. In line with this, the present study seeks to develop an efficient method for identifying potential public spaces in deteriorated urban neighborhoods through participative processes, reducing the costs and time of projects, and increasing the effectiveness of projects employing the urban acupuncture approach. The data collection and analysis tools used in this study include semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, analysis of documents related to the development of the neighborhood under study, space syntax analysis using Depth Map software, prioritization of indicators using AHP questionnaire and analyzing them in Expert Choice software, and analysis and overlaying information in ArcGIS software. The findings related to the Pamenar neighborhood in Tehran suggest that it is practically possible to identify and prioritize the public spaces through the urban acupuncture approach by studying and analyzing motion flows. Finally, 13 urban spaces have been identified and prioritized in the neighborhood.
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