Rethinking the Concept of Healthy Living in Urban Neighborhoods During the Corona Pandemic era and after
محورهای موضوعی : Urban Development
Kasra Ketabollahi
Agostino Petrillo
Morteza Mirgholami
1 - Ph.D. Candidate in Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture & Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Iran
2 - Associate Professor in Urban Sociology, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture & Urban Studies (DAStU), Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
3 - Professor in Urbanism, Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture & Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.
کلید واژه: Contemporary Neighborhood, Pandemic, Place-Oriented, Health.,
چکیده مقاله :
The neighborhood is considered as the center of thinking about the City. Neighborhoods have undergone changes in different eras based on different crises. The emergence of the Corona pandemic has caused immediate changes in the way of living and the creation of new demands in the last four years. The daily concerns caused by the pandemic have put the dwellers' physical, mental, and psychological health at risk. Therefore, the research's main goal is to rethink the concept of neighborhood health as required in the post-pandemic era. This research was developed based on the correspondence of experiences and literature of "contemporary neighborhood" and "pandemic concept." Based on theme base method, studies related to the "pandemic" were investigated to base the obtained data on the content matching of two concepts of the contemporary neighborhood and pandemic and to make it possible to realize the research goals. Based on the findings, eighteen criteria related to place, ten related to biopsychology, and seven related to biomedicine have been promoted in contemporary urban planning. The summation of the criteria related to the contemporary neighborhood also confirms eighteen criteria. Examining the content of the basis of livability criteria in the pandemic era and the contemporary neighborhood shows that these two phenomena (chronological) not only do not have a fundamental conflict with each other in content, but the content coherence between the criteria is evident.
The neighborhood is considered as the center of thinking about the City. Neighborhoods have undergone changes in different eras based on different crises. The emergence of the Corona pandemic has caused immediate changes in the way of living and the creation of new demands in the last four years. The daily concerns caused by the pandemic have put the dwellers' physical, mental, and psychological health at risk. Therefore, the research's main goal is to rethink the concept of neighborhood health as required in the post-pandemic era. This research was developed based on the correspondence of experiences and literature of "contemporary neighborhood" and "pandemic concept." Based on theme base method, studies related to the "pandemic" were investigated to base the obtained data on the content matching of two concepts of the contemporary neighborhood and pandemic and to make it possible to realize the research goals. Based on the findings, eighteen criteria related to place, ten related to biopsychology, and seven related to biomedicine have been promoted in contemporary urban planning. The summation of the criteria related to the contemporary neighborhood also confirms eighteen criteria. Examining the content of the basis of livability criteria in the pandemic era and the contemporary neighborhood shows that these two phenomena (chronological) not only do not have a fundamental conflict with each other in content, but the content coherence between the criteria is evident.
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