شفاف سازی کنش بین اندیشه(ذهن) و اثر(عین) در معماری دوره ساسانیان
محورهای موضوعی : معماری
نسیم اشرافی
محمد نقی زاده
1 - استادیار، گروه هنر و معماری، واحد پردیس، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، پردیس، ایران
2 - استادیار، گروه شهرسازی، دانشکده هنر ومعماری، واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران
کلید واژه: اندیشه دینی, اندیشه فلسفی, اندیشه عرفانی, اندیشه سیاسی, اثر معماری, دوره ساسانیان,
چکیده مقاله :
در حرکت اندیشه به اثر (آفرینش) و بالعکس از اثر به اندیشه (شناخت)، چرخهای ایجاد میشود که تمدن ظهور میکند. در طول تاریخ ایران، اندیشه دینی اسطورهای به عنوان اندیشه کل با راهبری سایر اندیشهها یعنی اندیشه فلسفی، عرفانی و سیاسی، خلق صورتهای یک تمدن را سبب میشده است. پژوهش حاضر سعی بر این دارد با تکیه بر رویکرد تحلیلی- توصیفی دوره ساسانیان، روح زمان دوره را بر اساس کنش بین اندیشه های مذکور مشخص نماید و نقش هر اندیشه را در صورت دهی به معماری نظمگرا و قطب محور مورد تبیین قرار دهد به طوریکه روح زمان در جامعه ساسانی را احیاء تفکر ایرانشهری و صورت تاریخی آن را بازگشت به هویت ایرانی بیان کرده و آنچه که بیش از هر چیز از اهمیت بالایی در این دوره برخوردار است تقدم اندیشه بر اثر است که منجر به خلق نوآوری معماری گشته است.
There is a circle in survey from idea to effect –which makes the act of creation - and from effect to idea –concerned in the scope of thinking, cognition and perception, which is conducive to the formation of culture and civilization. Formation of any civilization is the result of interaction between ideas and forms. If there is no idea, there will be no form and effect and if there is no effect, idea promotion would be meaningless. During the history and past religious idea – there was a myth as a guiding idea for other ideas, i.e. Philosophical, Mystical and Political ideas that based on their interaction, creation of a civilization forms was possible. Architecture as a historical form has been the result of interaction between the triple ideas proposed under religious idea. The culture of any society and civilization results from impressionability of various ideas in different spheres of the society. The subject dates back to the golden age of Persian art and culture and Islamic- Persian culture, when several elements of culture had a close and multifaceted relationship with each other. In other words, art and architecture works of different periods can not be studied separately and we can not limit each period with a special ideas framework; Because idea and effect ( (work), in each period, were the results of evolution of the past and among them something as a whole included all ideas and effects; a whole that can not be decomposed into its components and it is the same mythic-religious thinking. The whole idea (religion) is not just composed of its components ( (mystical, philosophical, political ideas) but it is more a structure which is caused by interaction of its components with each other and the components with the whole. This study is an attempt to explain the role and contribution of each idea in creation of architectural works of sasanid civilization by definition of each idea and it aims to review their role in relation to architectural form that is attended with a kind of unity by consideration of historical form of the period which is based on a philosophical-mystical- political idea, and in other word, the study aims to clarify the interaction between the dominant idea of the time ( (Zeitgeist) and architectural effect(work). This structure represents the unity of a dynamic relationship in which each component is involved in performance. Religious idea as a whole is the leader of the three ideas in each culture that are accompanied with forms creation by interaction with each other. The three ideas include: 1- Philosophical ideas, 2- Mystical ideas, 3- Political ideas that play an important role in creating artistic, architectural and literary works under influence of each other. Each of these ideas shows two kinds of belonging: natural and divine belonging and another belonging is resulted from historical circumstances that have been created in different historical periods. This study is an attempt to define the triple ideas and obtain some points from their impressionability in the sasanid period. projects in the study sample were used. Finally, examples of effective components of the solutions culture-based to successfully achieve urban regeneration projects.Keywords: Religious, Philosophical, Mystical, and Political Idea, Architectural Effect, sasanid Era
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